| Events 2016 | Events 2015 | Evemts2014 | Events 2013 | Events 2012 |

Events done for the year 2019 to 2023

December, 2024
4-Interaction with 29 Scientists at ASCI
5-Palle Srujana Volunteers weekly meet
9-11-Guest speaker at National Conclave on Rural Technology at Kasarwadi, Madhya Pradesh along with one grassroots innovator
12-Palle Srujana Volunteers weekly meet
14-Visit of 30 Foreign Secretary level Govt officials from Afric and Asia coordinated by MANAGE, Hyderabad
14-Visit of 30 Foreign Secretary level Govt officials from Afric and Asia coordinated by MANAGE, Hyderabad
18-Board Meeting, HITAM, Hyderabad
19-Palle Srujana Volunteers weekly meet
20-Kakatiya Sandbox event "Catalyst Conclave" at T works, Hyderabad
21-Visit of Dr Dange and Team Yojak
22-Palle Srujana Team visiting Nallamala forest at Karampudi and walk in the forest
25-Display of Innovations at KVK, Tuniki, Dist Medak
25-26-Grassroots Innovation display at KV, Tuniki, Dist Medak
26-Palle Srujana Volunteers weekly meet
28-Visit of Krishna garu from Abu Dhabi
31 - 1st Jan-Display of Grassroots Innovations at "Founders Festival" at Public Gardens, Hyderabad organized by Edventure.
November, 2024
2-Meeting with Governor, Telangana
2-50 students from Little Star School, Hayat Nagar 9and 10 class visiting Palle Srujana 10 - 1245 hrs
4-Interaction with Hon'ble Minister for MSME Govt of AP
4-16 -Visit of 560 students of Pragathi Central School, Pragathi Nagar, Hyderabad @ 50 students per day.
7-Weekly Palle Srujana Volunteers meet
7-Visit of Volunteer E Suresh from USA
7-Meeting with BharatMerugu from Unitedways Hyderabad
8-Innofiesta @ HITAM, Hyderabad
8-Visit of Mananeeya Bhagaiah garu
10-Visit of Volunteer Uday Singh from USA
10-PSP meet in Hybrid mode
11-Visit of Unitedways team to Aler and jangaon for a CSR proposal
11-Visit of 54 School students and 4 Teachers from Little Star School, Hayat Nagar
12-Faculty Student Team from MLRIT visited Palle Srujana.
14-Palle Srujana Volunteers weekly meet
14-Discussion on papers for the International conference at Palle Srujana.
14-Team from CMR College of Engineering visiting Palle Srujana.
15-"Maitri Divas" at Manav Tirth, Chhattisgarh
16-17--Visit to Jingurthi
15-16-Participating in "Sahayog" at KGRCET, Hyderabad
18--Visit of Prof Md hussain to Palle Srujana
19--Visit of a Team of social activists to explore hyacinth removal opportunities in Rajasthan
20--15 Scientists visiting Palle Srujana
21-Palle Srujana Volunteers weekly meet
21-Participating in E-Summit at MLRIT, Hyderabad
23-Participated in the TSIC event - Completion of training of Innovation Mitras.
25-26-Participation of five Telugu Grassroots Innovators in "Festival of Innovations" at New Delhi organized by GIAN.
27-KFRC Board Meeting
28-Palle Srujana Volunteers weekly meet
28-Commencement of Skill Training to Women weavers at Aler- a CSR programme

29-30-Participating in the National Conference on Urban Bio- Diversity


October, 2024
2-Interaction with PIs at NITW organized by RC, NITW - UBA
3-Weekly volunteers meet
10-Weekly volunteers meet
17-Weekly volunteers meet
22-Interaction with Engineering students and the Faculty at HITAM, Hyderabad
24-Weekly volunteers meet
25-27-50th Chinna Shodha Yatra
31-Weekly volunteers meet
September, 2024
2-Visit of CEO Navam
3- Interaction with students and faculty of VBIT
5- Weekly volunteers meet
5-Visit of Sushima Reddy, USA
5-Meeting with Dr Bindu, AICRP on women in agriculture, PJTSAU
5-A student of IITH visiting to discuss internship with Palle Srujana
5-Visit of two Professors from AIRCP, PJTSAU
9-Participation in a virtual meet on " Compliance challenges for NPOs"
11-Visit to Nihal Attar, grassroots innovator at Chinchwad, Pune,
12-Weekly volunteers meet
13-Participation in i3R2 Makeathon organized by Creya, Pravah and T works at Hyderabad.
15-Visit of Mr Ramakant - coordinator of "Ankura" yatra in AP
17-Volunteer Phani visiting Palle Srujana.
19-Weekly volunteers meet
21-22-"Emerging Future Summit" at Aurangabad
21-22- International Conference on "EGO to ECO" at Aurangabad
23- Visit of Shiv Shankar Shindeji and Chaitanya- Innovators
23-Interaction with freshers at Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad
26-Weekly volunteers meet
26-Visit of an International team of Secretaries of 13 Countries from Afric and Asia.
27-Interaction with Engineers at Cyient, Hyderabad
29-Invitation from IIMA Alumni, Hyderabad Chapter


August, 2024

1-Interaction with Joint Secretary level govt officials from 18 Afro- Asian countries at NIMSME
1-Volunteers weekly virtual Meeting
7-Presentation to Union Minister Sh Bhupendra Yadav , MOEF at New Delhi on "Grassroots Innovations and LiFE" coordinated by Yojak.
8-Volunteers weekly virtual Meeting
8-Interaction with TEDx Gateway, Mumbai
8- Interaction with faculty and students of RBVRR College, Hyderabad
8-Interview with research scholars from IIT, Roorkee.
10- Jury interaction for Amazing Indian
14- Visit of Dr Gajanan Dange, National Coordinator, YOJAK
15-Volunteers weekly virtual Meeting
15-Participating in Photo exhibition on "Samnaya Bharatham - Everyday India" by Kandukuri Rameshbabu at State Art Gallery, Madhapur, Hyderabad
22-Volunteers weekly virtual Meeting
23-25 -Innovation Expo at Vardhaman College, Hyderabad
27-Orientation with freshers at OUCE
29-Volunteers weekly virtual Meeting
30 Aug to 01 September-49th Chinna Shodha Yatra in Nellore district, AP
July, 2024
1-Interaction with faculty and students of INDUiet, Siddipet
2-Visit of Director - Innovation, Keshav Memorial Institute of Technology
3-Visit of Social activist Suresh Gupta garu.
4- Weekly meeting of volunteers Palle Srujana.
5-visit of Team TSIC for a half day interaction.
5-vInteraction with Innovation Mitras of Telangana.
6-Product Expo by students at Vardhaman college of Engineering.
7-Participation in Dhaatri event
8-Interact with Faculty OU at OU HRD center
8-Visit of Team from HITAM
11-Weekly meeting of volunteers Palle Srujana
11-Dr Balu Book launch event at ISB
14-Visit of Palle Srujana volunteers to Karampudi to participate in koti Vithhana Bantula Vistharana karyakramam
18-Weekly meeting of volunteers Palle Srujana
23-Participation in Ankuram at Y hub
25-Weekly meeting of volunteers Palle Srujana
25-Suman TV team visiting Palle Srujana Rakesh Maheshwari from NIF visiting Palle Srujana to interact with innovators


June, 2024

6-Weekly virtual meet of Palle Srujana Volunteers
7-Graduation Ceremony of Dhaatri fellows
10-Interaction with Handloom weaver beneficiaries of Modha Pedal Lifting Machine along with SIDBI senior management
11-Participation of grassroots innovators in Rural Innovation Expo at KGRCET
12-Visit of Volunteers and FPO CEOs from Nellore district
12-Visit of elderly farmer Chinna Nagi Reddy garu from Kurnool dist.
13-Weekly PS Volunteer virtual meet
14-Virtual meet with CSRTI and Palle Srujana about the Innovation of Praveen Kumar
18-Virtual discussion with Team, Unitedway, Hyderabad
19-Interaction with Research student PJTSAU
20-Vardhaman College students vist to discuss their projects
20-Weekly PS Volunteer virtual meet
21-Interaction with Faculty at BVRIT, Narsapur, Telangana
22-Visit of CEO T Works and his team
27-Weekly PS Volunteer virtual meet


May, 2024

2- Palle Srujana Weekly virtual meet
4- Interview by Human Rights Voice you tube Channel
6- Visit of few volunteers to Palle Srujana
7- Interaction with Navodaya school children at Pravah-IIIT event
8-Brainstorming session at Bengaluru organized by Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
8-Palle Srujana Volunteers Meet at Bengaluru
12-Team WE Hub visiting Palle Srujana for a possible collaboration
22-Visit Team TSIC
23-Visit of CEO and Team from Edventure Park
23-Weekly PS Volunteer virtual meet
28-Route recce by Volunteers for 48 Chinna Shodha yatra
28-Visit of an admirer to Palle Srujana
30-Weekly PS Volunteer virtual meet
31 May -02 June48th Chinna Shodha yatra in Kamareddy district of Telangana


April, 2024

3- Virtual meet with Pravah - a NGO nurturing children creativity
6-Weekly meet for farmers @ Palle Srujana
11-Palle Srujana Weekly virtual meet
13-Weekly meet for farmers @ Palle Srujana
18-Palle Srujana Weekly virtual meet
20-Weekly meet for farmers @ Palle Srujana
20-Participation of Palle Sruajana and volunteers in a TSIC event on the occasion of World Innovation Day.
25-Palle Srujana Weekly virtual meet
25-Palle Srujana volunteers weekly meet
25- Final round for HBNCRIIA for shortlisted innovators
27-Weekly meet for farmers @ Palle Srujana
March, 2024
1-Visit of Faculty Team from Malla Reddy Agricultural college to finalize internship of their students with Palle Srujana
1- Discussion of innovations for dairy farm farmers at Palle Srujana
2-GBM of KGRCET, Hyderabad
5-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
11-Participating in the inauguration of Innovation Yatra by CBIT ACIC
12-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
12-Interaction with Research Scholars, OU @ OU HRD centre
13-Interaction with HoDs of OU, @ OU HRD Centre
14-15-Keynote speaker at "Ideabajj 2o24", RMP,Mumbai
11-16- Innovation Yatra- participation by ten grassroots innovators
11-16-March Innovators' participation in Innovation Yatra in Northern Telangana
16- Participation in "Raithu maata" at HITEX HALL 3
16-20 farmers visiting Palle Srujana.
16- Invited to listen to the impressions of Yatries of "Innovation yatra" organized by ACIC-CBIT
17-visit of team from start up CHOWKI.
17-Bhargava Indian visiting Palle Srujana.
19-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
26-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
February, 2024
4-Faculty from VJIM visiting Palle Srujana
5-6-Interaction with Faculty and students at KL University,Vijayawada
6-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
7-Visit of Team from Unitedways of Hyderabad
7-Visit of Volunteers Rachita and Akarsh
8-Meeting with Mr Chandrashekhar, WASSAN
9-Panelist for Business Enclave at VJIM, Hyderabad
13-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
15-Grassroots innovation exhibition at Kothagudem
16-Grassroots innovation exhibition at Mahabubnagar
17-Grassroots innovations exhibition at Nizamabad
16-18-Agritech South 2024 at PJTSAU, Hyderabad
19-Visit Innovator at Sircilla
20-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
23-Inaugural event of Tech Fest 2024 at MLRIT, Hyderabad
24-Visit Kakatiya Sandbox, Nizamabad
27-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
27-Participation in one day symposium on "STI in India" organized by CPR-DST, UoH Hyderabad
28-Panelist in Startupedia 24 at IPE, Hyderabad
28-Visit of Journalist K Ramesh Babu and Film personality Lakshman Rao garu
29-15 scientists across India through IPE, Hyderabad visiting Palle Srujana

January, 2024

2-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
3-Meet on Grassroots Innovations at Gachibowli, Hyderabad organized by TSIC
4-UBA Subcommittee meet
4- Visit of Sri Satya Bhupaal eddy, CEO, REEDS
6-Interview by Ms Suman, a Ph.d Scholar
9-UBA subcommittee meet
9-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
10-Visit of Aarohan representative alongwith Innovator Modha Shiva
16-Panel meet IMPULSE
16-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
20-Keynote address at MS University, Vadodara
20-21Participation in Kisan Mahostav, Malla Reddy College of Agriculture
23-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
26-Participation in Sanskrutika mela at Domakonda, Telangana
27-Participation in a farmers event at kakatiya Sandbox at Nizamabad
27-Participation of Innovator Nannam Thirupathi Rao @ Vidarbha Khasdar Audyogik Mahotsav at Nagpur
27-Palle Srujana participation in Impulse event at Bala Vikasa, Hyderabad
30-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 9 PM
31-Invited to "Gratitude" event by ACIC-CBIT
December, 2023
3-5-Participation in Agri Tech 2023 at LAM, AP
5-Virtual meet with Faculty KGRCET on conducting Gyan Shodh in the present Academic year
5-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 8.30 PM
5- Interaction with Students of HITAM, Hyderabad
5- Interaction with Students of HITAM, Hyderabad
5- One day workshop for Faculty of Nalla MallaReddy College of Engineering
5- 80 Engineering Students and 3 Faculty visited Palle Srujana from Hitam Engineering College, Hyderabad for introduction to Grassroots Innovations
9-Advisory Committee Meeting at KVK, Narsingi
9-Advisory Committee meeting at KVK, Narsingi
10-Interaction with scientists at IICT, Hyderabad
11-Visit Innovator Praveen for a field demonstration of his innovation in a village in Siddipet District
11-First Virtual meeting of UBA sub Committee
11-Subhash invited as Jury for IIC Regional meet at IARI Hyderabad.
12-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 8.30 PM
13-Scientists visiting Palle Srujana coordinated by IPE.
13-Second Virtual meeting of UBA sub Committee
15-17-47th Chinna Shodha Yatra
18-TSIC Board Meeting
18-Volunteers meet at Palle Srujana to interact with Akankasha representing ISDG, Ranchi
19-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 8.30 PM
19-Visit to Telangana StateModel School, Nellikudur, Mahabubabad Dist
21-UBA Subcommittee meeting on "Evaluation of SEG".
21-Implementation of Gyan Shodh by RCs in Telangana coordinated by UBA
21-Visit of Volunteers to Palle Srujana
21-Finalizing the strategy on grassroots innovations by Yojak
22- Interaction with Team TSIC
22- Meeting with TSIC on dissemination of Innovations
23-Farmers Day Exhibition at CBIT College, Hyderabad.
25- Participation in "Seed distribution" organized by Rotary Secunderabad West and Namste Kisaan at Narayanamma College, Hyderabad
26-Weekly Volunteer virtual meet at 9 PM. Link for the meet https://meet.google.com/vfe-pjhh-hzc
28-Part of a Panel in the State Conference on the Implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP)2020 in the Agriculture University, Maharashtra
November, 2023
1- Interaction with Freshers PG studies organized by OU HRD
6-7-Interaction with ITI students and school children at Pattiseema and Gutala. AP.
8-Scientists from IPE visiting Palle Srujana
9-11-Display of Innovations at INEX 2023 at Goa
10-Interaction with scientists at IPE, Hyderabad
16-Conferring "SAKSHI EXCELLENCE" award to Jaji garu
19-Participation in Youth Counselling programme at Nasik
21-Invitation to Palle Srujana for the UBA programme along with Yojak on "Gram Adhyayan" as part of understanding villages at Gandhigram Rural Institute, Tamil Nadu
21-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 8.30 PM
20-25-Internship for PG students of Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Hyderabad
22-Visit Vivekananda Seva Kendra, Kanyakumari
22-KIMS Foundation Research Committee Meeting
24-Virtual meeting with ZOHO Team on Rural Development coordinated by Medha Naniwadekar, Palle Srujana Volunteer
27-Participation in Karthika Poornima event at Manav Tirth, Chhattisgarh.
28-Weekly Volunteers meet virtual at 8.30 PM
28-30-Participation of three Palle Srujana innovators in People's Festival of Innovation (PFI) at India International Centre, New Delhi
October, 2023
2-10-Danostav, Palle Srujana a Dropping point for Goonj event in Secunderabad. Shiva is the Volunteer in Charge.
2-Visit EF team
3-Visit of a NGO Team Tapasvi lead by President Susheela Garu
5-Interaction with BBA students of Keshav Memorial Educational Institutions, Hyderabad
6-Visit of Innovator Sheshagiri Rao garua nd Volunteer Dinesh Narra
7-Visit of DRDL scientists
8-Discussion with volunteers on Dissemination and Yojak initiative
9-11-Participation and display of innovations at "Kisan Jagaran" at Karimnagar
11-Virtual meet with Deloitte Senior management
11-Volunteer meet at Palle Srujana
12-Virtual interaction with Faculty of OU coordinated by OU,HRD Centre
12-Participation in "Celebration of Unity" event at Secunderabad
15-Participation in "Celebration of Unity" event at Secunderabad
23-Invited Speaker" to Pre Vibrant Summit of " Western Zone Vice Chancellors' Conference on Implementation of NEP-2020 on 26th October,2023 at Statue of Liberty, Gujarat
26-Expert speaker at Western Zone VCs Conference at Statue of Liberty, Gujarat
30-31-Akshay Krishi Parivaar Meet at Ahmedabad
September, 2023
1-GM and his tem from SIDBI, Hyderabad visited Palle Srujana
2-Invitation to participate in Silver Jubilee year of IIIT,Hyderabad
2-3-Palle Srujana Volunteers in dialogue with YOJAK Team at Pune
3-Meeting with Prof Anil K Gupta
4-Interaction with students of CMR CET, Hyderabad by Subhash Chander
4-Discussion virtually on "Village Assessment Model: with National Coordinator, Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan and Director KGRCET
4-Virtual meetwith National Coordinator , Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan, Prof Vk Vijay, IIT Delhi alongwith Director KGRCET
4-TSIC Q2 Board Meeting
5- Interaction with Faculty and students of VBIT, Hyderabad
5-Orientation with freshers at CMR CET, Hyderabad by Subhash Chander
5-Orientation lecture at Vigyan Bharati Institute
6-Visit of NIF representative
7-Visit Innovator Chinni krushnudu at Nizamabad
8-Core group meeting
10-Talk in a webinar on "Grassroots Creativity and Lifestyle"
12-Virtual meet with Dr Chintan, Director Atal Innovation Mission and CIO, TSIC
13-Interaction with faculty at Osmania University
13-participating in Grassroot Innovation and Skill Development conclave for Rural Development" at Delhi
14-Visit of 17 scientists from IPE to Palle Srujana
15-Interaction at OU HRD centre with Physics lecturers
15-TSIC Q2 Board Meeting
15-ICFAI’s "WiseViews Leadership Conversations" webinar series
16-Virtual interaction with Faculty of Osmania University
17-Palle Srujana lecture in TEDx, Hyderabad and innovators' exhibition
19-Visit of 17 scientists from IPE to Palle Srujana
19-Virtual meeting with NW 18
21-Visit to YOJAK at Pune
22-Meeting with YOJAK Team at Pune
22-Participation in Ag Hub Farmers event at RAS, Jagityal by Subhash Chander
23-Participation by Grassroots Innovators in "Gamantra" at KITS Engg College, Ramachandrapuram, AP.
23-Visit of Ravi Kiran, USA to Palle Srujana.
26-Interaction with students and faculty of CBIT
26-Visit of Mr Ravi Kiran a NRI Volunteer
27-"Train the teachers" - One day session for 25-30 Faculty of BVRIT, Hyderabad.
29Sep to 1st oct-46th Chinna Shodha Yatra
29-My start up TV interaction with Palle Srujana
August, 2023
2- Visit of teachers from Gincent School, Kompally, Hyderabad
4- Visit of volunteers to Palle Srujana.
4- Interaction with 400 School Students at ZPHS Rachrla Boppapur, Siricilla District
4-Interaction with children at ZPHS, Boppapur, Dist Sircilla by Subhash Chander
5-GITAM students visit to Palle Srujana
5- Interaction with students of Kids Convent, Vemulawada by Subhash Chander
5- Interaction with 300 School Students at KIDS Convent High School, Vemulawada by Subhash Chander,
5- Visit of Student volunteers from GITAM, Hyderabad
9- Visit Farmer Innovator Chinni Krishna garu , Nizamabad
7-Participating in the graduation ceremony of Eco-programme at Dhaatri
10-Interaction of Subhash Chander with 400 students and faculty at School of Agriculture Sciences, Malla Reddy University on "How to Solve Society Problems with Grassroots"
15- Exhibition of Grassroots Innovations at Ravulapally Village, Ranga Reddy District, in collaboration with ACIC-CBIT.
15-Independence day celebration at Nannam Pole climbing Institute, Hyderabad
17-Inaugurating the orientation programme for freshers at KGR CET, Hyderabad
18-Participating in a National Symposium at BHU, Benares on " Vatsal Bharat"
19-Participation of Innovators and innovations in Kisan Mahotsavam 2023 at KL University, Vaddeshwaram, Guntur
23-Aarohan award ceremony by Infosys Foundation @ Bengaluru
24-Interaction with Students and faculty of IIIT, Trichy
25-Visit of 15 Youth fellows from Shaatri
27-Visit of local SIDBI head and his team
27-GBM of KGRCET Board
30Sep to 2 Oct- 46th Chinna Shodha Yatra
July, 2023
1-Visit of Innovators to Palle Srujana
1-15-Internship for IIT, Mumbai graduates.
3-TSIC board meeting
5-21-Visit to USA by grassroots Innovator G Ashok to USA on invitation from Agri University, Dallas
8-Interaction with Faculty and students of CBIT, Hyderabad
11-Interaction with Dean and Faculty from MallaReddy School of Agriculture, Hyderabad
13-15-Visit Yojak @ Nandurbar, Maharashtra
13-15-Meeting with YOJAK Team at Nandurbar, Maharashtra.
19-Interaction with Team TSIC, Govt of Telanagna at Palle Srujana.
24-Interview at ETV about Palle Srujana
25-Interaction with CIO and her Team, TSIC
26-Core group Meeting
27-Interaction with scientists of Srikrishna Pharmacy, Hyderabad
29-31-C20 Summit @ Jaipur
Orientation for INSPIRE in Collaboration with SCERT, Telangana
10-FN Interaction with School teachers of Sangareddy Dist, Telangana
10-AN Interaction with School teachers of Yadadri Dist, Telangana
10-FN Interaction with School teachers of Hyderabad Dist, Telangana
10-AN Interaction with School teachers of Secunderabad Dist, Telangana
11-FN Interaction with School teachers of Suryapet Dist, Telangana
11-AN Interaction with School teachers of Nalgonda Dist, Telangana
11-FN Interaction with School teachers of Hyderabad Dist, Telangana
11-AN Interaction with School teachers of Secunderabad Dist, Telangana
12-FN Interaction with School teachers of Bhadradri Dist, Telangana
12-AN Interaction with School teachers of Nirmal Dist, Telangana
13-AN Interaction with School teachers of Jangaon Dist, Telangana
13-FN Interaction with School teachers of Mulugu Dist, Telangana
14-FN Interaction with School teachers of Mahabubnagar Dist, Telangana
14-AN Interaction with School teachers of Nagar Kurnool Dist, Telangana
15-FN Interaction with School teachers of Khammam Dist, Telangana
15- AN Interaction with School teachers of Mancherial Dist, Telangana
18- FN Interaction with School teachers of Wanaparthy Dist, Telangana
18- AN Interaction with School teachers of Narayanpet Dist, Telangana
19- FN Interaction with School teachers of Medak Dist, Telangana
19- AN Interaction with School teachers of Siddipet Dist, Telangana
22-FN Interaction with School teachers of Gadwal Dist, Telangana
22-Interaction with School teachers of Warangal Dist, Telangana
24-FN Interaction with School teachers of Jagiyal Dist, Telangana
24-AN Interaction with School teachers of Hamnamkonda Dist, Telangana
25- FN Interaction with School teachers of Gadwal Dist, Telangana
25- AN Interaction with School teachers of Warangal Dist, Telangana
26-FN Interaction with School teachers of Kamareddy Dist, Telangana
June, 2023
1-Visit to Innovators in Hanamkonda dist
3-4-G20 C20 LiFE conference at Mumbai
7-Orientation workshop for 35 KGRCET students and faculty on 9th Gyan Shodh.
8-11-"Gyan Shodh" in Bhadradri Dist.
12-Southern Regional Round table conference of C20 working group for CSOs on "Gender equality in Governance' at Bala viasa Centre, Hyderabad
9-11-Telangana Agri-Tech exhibition at Warangal
15-17-Telangana Agri-Tech exhibition at Suryapet
23-25-45th Chinna Shodha Yatra in Palanadu Dist, AP
26-Team from Maharashtra to know about Palle Srujana
27-Webinar with IIT, Mumbai Faculty and students for "Rural Immersion" programme
27-Live on Tsat and NIPUNA about "INSPIRE"
28-Presentation of Gyan Shodh 9 to Village representatives and and NRIs.
28-29-Interaction with High level Business delegation from Vietnam
30-Resource Person for Leadership Development for Academic Administrators being organized the UGC– HRDC, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
May, 2023
1 Discussion on Formulation of a National Policy brief on Grassroots Innovations with Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Hyderabad
2 Visit of I watch team to palle Srujana led by Sanjay gadhaleji
6 Rythu Sadassu at Palle Srujana
6Visit of Murali, CEO Ikya and Ram Kumarji from Rajahmandry
9PSP meeting
10G20C20 LiFe sub theme webinar -1 on "Grassroots Innovations and Lifestyle"
11Interaction with students and faculty at Sphoorthy Engg college, Hyderabad
13Rythu Sadassu at Palle Srujana
15Visit of Dr R Balasubramanyam, CBC , Founder GRAAM to Palle Srujana
18 Interaction with CGM, NABARD TSRO to discuss a OFPO project for weavers along with Mallesham Garu - Padmashree awardee
20Rythu Sadassu at Palle Srujana
21Participation in Nav Nirman Foundation initiative for organic farmers at School of Agriculture, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad
20G20C20 LiFe sub theme webinar -2 on "Grassroots Innovations and Lifestyle"
20-25Participation in Mango Mela at Exhibition Grounds, Hyderabad
25Virtual meet of Volunteers, Internees and Villagers alongwith Promoter Mr Venkat Parimi, NRI on "Gyan Shodh" in seven villages of Bhadradri District, Telangana
26 Invitation for Open House Discussion Forum for Start Up policy, at ALEAP, Hyderabad
27Rythu Sadassu at Palle Srujana
29-30Invitation to Global Indian Scientists and Technocrats Forum meet at Delhi
31G20 C20 LiFE working group Series Webinar 3 on "Grassroots Innovations and Lifestyle" by Palle Srujana
April, 2023
3 Interaction with Director, IICT-CSIR,Hyderabad
4 GBM of KGRCET, Hyderabad
7-8 Uner G20, C20 Life sub working group -Palle Srujana organizing an International hybrid conference on "grassroots Innovations and Lifestyle" at IICT Auditorium, Hyderabad
10-13 Festival of Innovations at Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi.
18 Interaction with Faculty and students of CBIT, Hyderabad
25-26Participation in G20 C20 LiFE working group conference on "Food and Lifestyle" at Palghar
24Visit of Faculty and students of St Ann's Management College = Mallapur, Hyderabad
25Interaction with Faculty and students of Govt City College, Hyderabad.
26Addressing MBA students of Pendekanti Institute of Management, Hyderabad.
27Virtual meet with Faculty and Internees of Jindal University, Panipat
27Discussion with CGM, TSRO NABARD on "One district-One year-One exhibition" proposal from Palle Srujana
28Innovations display at CBIT campus
28Virtual meet with YOJAK on C20 G20
29Interaction with Internees from Pendekanti Institute of Management, Hyderabad
29Collaboration with NIT, Warangal under RuTAG programme of GoI for nurturing Grassroots Innovations
30 Discussion of setting up OFPO for Pochampally weavers with Mallesham Garu Under NABARD scheme
March, 2023
2 Mar Raithu sadassu at Palle Srujana
03-05 Mar 44th Chinna Shodha Yatra in Komarambheem dist, Telangana
06 Mar Meeting with Director IICT, Hyderabad
07 Mar Interaction with CIO, Incubator, CBIT
14 Mar Deliberations with Prof Srinivas and Dr Poulomi from TISS, Hyderabad on study of Tribals in Telanagna and their technological needs.
16 Mar Meeting with WASSAN
20-21 Mar Participating in C2 Group Inception programme at Nagpur
20-22 Mar C-20 Meet at Nagpur
22 Mar Ugadi meet with Palle Srujana volunteers: preparation for International conference in April
23 Mar Interaction with Director CCMB and CEO Ekalavya Gram Vikas Foundation
25 Mar Rural orientation to Faculty of CBIT, Hyderabad
26 Mar Meeting of volunteers at Palle Srujana to prepare for the C20 LiFE sub theme Conference in April being organized by Palle Srujana
28 Mar Interaction with Faculty and Students at IPE, Hyderabad
29 Mar Participation in T20 Conference at Ag Hub PJTSAU
February, 2023
1 Feb 99th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
2 Feb Virtual meet with Suzuki Innovations, IITH
3 Feb Visit Kaneri Siddhashram, Kolhapur
8 Feb Civil20 LiFE working group meet
8 Feb 1ooth Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
9 Feb Visit of scientists from IPE, Hyderabad
9 FebInteraction with Scientists at Palle Srujana organized by IPE, Hyderabad
10 Feb Interaction with CGM, TSO NABARD
11 Feb Civil20 LiFE working group virtual meet
15 Feb 101st Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
18 Feb Presentation at Delhi in Civil20-LiFE working group as part of G-20 leadership of India
20-26 FebPanch bhoot mahotsav at Kaneri Ashram, Kolhapur, Maharashtra
January, 2023
3 Jan96th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
6-9 JanParticipation in Organic Mela at Visakhapatnam
7 JanPreview Conference at Hyderabad of 46th Indian Social Science Congress
9 Jan97th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
9-13 JanVisit to HRMN Apple farms in Guntur, Krishna, East Godavari, Visakhapatnam districts of Andhra Padesh.
12 JanVisit of Team from IPE, Hyderabad
14 Jan Raithu Sadassu
16 Jan98th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
21 JanRaitu Sadassu
22 Jan9Keynote speaker at Research and Industrial Conclave at IIT Indore,
23 Jan99th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
24 JanInteraction with PGDTMA fellows NAARM, Hyderabad
25 JanVisit of a Team from Suzuki Innovations
26 JanParticipation in "Mana Pandaga" @ Domakonda
27-31 Jan46th Indian Social Science Congress @ Trichy
28 Jan Raitu Sadassu
30 Jan 100th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
27-31 Jan 46th Indian Social Science Congress
December, 2022
3-5 - Participation in Agro-Tech 2022 @ Guntur
3rd - Participation of innovators in AT exhibition at Thub organized by TSIC.
7th - 92nd Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
13-14th - Interaction with farmers of Guntur Dist organized by DDM, NABARD
9-11 - 43rd Chinna Shodha Yatra
12-16 - Rural Internship for PG Students of Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad
13 - 93rd Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
15 - Visit of women Scientists to Palle Srujana from ASCI, Hyderabad
16 - Visit Chenetha Santha at 5 PM at Secunderabad
17 - Meeting with National Head, Kisan sangh at Hyderabad
17 - Raithu Sadassu
19 - Board meeting of Kims Research Foundation @ Hyderabad
21 - Interaction with Students and Faculty at Sri Datta College of Engineering
23-24 - Presentation by TISS Internees on the Rural Immersion internship organized by Palle Srujana
23 - First meeting of the advisory Committee on Social Impact Assessment.
24 - Raithu Sadassu
27 - 95th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
28 - Board meeting of TSIC.
31 - Raithu Sadassu
November, 2022
2nd - 87th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
3-5th - Participation in Kisan Grameen Mela 2022 @ Karimnagar
5th - Interaction with freshers at CMRCET, Hyderabad
5th - Rythu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
6th - Interaction with freshers at BVRIT Women's College of Engineering
9th - 88th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
12th - Rythu Sadassu
13th - Receiving "Sant Ishwar Samman" Award ceremony at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi
14th - Participation in a One day Conference on "G20 Presidency of Bharat: Bharatiya Approach of Development and Possible Role of Civil Society Organizations" @ Pune
16th - 89th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
19th - Rythu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
19-22 - Participation of Telugu innovators in "People's Festival of Innovation 20222" at India International Centre, New Delhi
23th - 90th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
24th - Interaction with Faculty and students of NIT, Warangal
25th - Round Table Conference with Faculty of IIT, Indore
26th - Rythu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
30th - 91st Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
October, 2022
5th - 85th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
7th - Preliminary meeting for conducting a National Symposium on Flowering of grassroots innovations in swaraj India"
7th - Visit of volunteers, innovators and farmers
8th - Interaction with Director KGRCET, Hyderabad
8th - Raithu Sadassu
12th - 86th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
15th - Raithu Sadassu
19th - 87th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
22nd - Raithu Sadassu
26th - 88th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
28th - Visit Pratyusha Girls Home @ Araku with Volunteers
29th - Raithu Sadassu
29th - Visit Innovator Mrs Raju at Visakhapatnam
30th - Innovators, Volunteers Srishar, Venkat, Anil, Vinod, Bharat visited Palle Srujana
September, 2022
2nd - Discussing an offer from HM TV- a virtual meeting with Mr Bal Reddy garu
2nd - Virtual Interaction with Mr Venkatesh from US
3rd - Raithu Sadassu
4th - Virtual meet of Palle Srujana Pennidhi volunteer group
5th -TSIC Board Meeting
7th -Interaction with Teachers at Mahbubabad. Coordinated by vandemataram Foundation
7th -82nd Weekly webinar on innovationlu
10th -Raithu Sadassu
12th -Virtual interaction with participants of MSME National Innovation Workshop 
12th -Interaction with scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
13th -Addressing Teachers and students of 6-10 Class of Telangana on nurturing creativity in schools
14th - Deliberation with Sri Satya Sai Annapurna Trust for collaboration
14th -83rd  Weekly webinar on innovationlu
16th to 18th -42nd Chinna Shodha Yatra
17th -Raithu Sadassu
18th -Display of Grassroots Innovations in TEDx , Hyderabad event
18th -Grassroots Innovator Display at TEDx Hyderabad event
21st -84th  Weekly webinar on innovationlu
24th -Raithu Sadassu
28th -85th  Weekly webinar on innovationlu
August, 2022
2nd - Interaction with innovators Srinivas Mende and Y Ganesh
3rd - Visit of a Team from Vengamamba Foundation - Vikram and Sanjana
3rd - 78th  Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
6th - Raithu Sadassu
10th - 79th  Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
13th - Raitu Sadassu
15th - Intintaa Innovatarlu festival
17th - 80th  Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
20th - Raithu Sadassu
22nd - Visit of HMTV, Nelatalli Programme Chief
24th - 81st   Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
25th - TSIC Board Meeting 
27th - Raithu Sadassu
30th - Participation in Ag Hub Rural Innovation Display @ PJTSAU, Hyderabad
30th - Visit of Palle Srujana volunteers to Narayanpet district to interact with Paddy farmers
31st - 82nd Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
31st - 81st Weekly webinar on innovationlu
July, 2022
1st - Interaction with Faculty and students of Vardhaman College of Engineering
2nd - Raithu Sadassu
4th - Participating in the Annual celebrations of PSS Trust
4th - Participating in PSS Trust Annual Day
5th - 74th Weekly Webinar on Raithu Innovationlu
6th - 74th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
7th-8th - Visit CIAE, Bhopal
9th - Raithu Sadassu
10th - Interaction at Children Home  
12th - 75th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
13th - 75th Weekly Webinar
16th - Visit Suruchi @ Bardoli and interact with tribal people
16th - Raithu Sadassu
17th - Interaction with Sri Dada Wadekar @ Wada, Maharashtra
18th - Interaction at IIT, Mumbai with Team CTARA
20th - 76th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
21st - Participation ofPalle Srujana and innovators in launching "Intinta Innovator" at TSIC.
22nd - visit innovator at Bhiknoor, Dist Kamareddy
23rd - Raithu Sadassu
26th - 77th  Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
28th - Interaction with scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
29th - Addressing Teachers meet on Children innovations and teachers innovations
30th - Raithu Sadassu
31st - Executive Committee of Indian Social Science Academy @ Delhi
June, 2022
1st - 69th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
1st - Panel meeting with CBC, Delhi
2nd - Raitu innovationla Pradarshana at Bacharam Village sponsored by Sphoorthy college, Hyderabad
4th - Raithu Sadassu
6th - 45 Women Entrepreneurs visiting Palle Srujana Maval, Maharashtra from
7th - 35 Women Entrepreneurs from Tirupati Visiting Palle Srujana through
7th - 35 Women Entrepreneurs from Srikakulam visiting Palle Srujana through ALC-INDIA
7th - Participation in a Global Summit " Yug parivartan" 
8th - 70th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
9th -10th- UBA workshop at Surat
9th - 45 Women Entrepreneurs visiting Palle Srujana from Maval, Maharashtra through ALC-INDIA
11th - Village Display at Narayanaraopet, Siddipet Organising by AEO 
11th - Raithu Sadassu
15th - 71st Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
18th - Raithu Sadassu
22nd - 72nd Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
24th - 26th - 41st Chinna Shodha Yatra in Gadwal Dist, Telangana
24th - 26th - Sendriya Mela @ Guntur
25th - Raithu Sadassu
29th - 73rd Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
29th - Visit of Team from Neo Science Hub
May, 2022
4th - 65th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
7th - Raitu Sadassu at Palle Srujana
8th - Presentation in a global summit on "Project Yug Parivartan"
8th - Interaction with Medical students and faculty at Warngal
9th - "Aarambh" - an event at GITAM, Hyderabad
10th - Interaction with AEOs and farmers in Nagar Kurnool District by Subhash Chander
11th - 66th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
13th - Consciousness meet 
14th - Raitu Sadassu at Palle Srujana
15th - Board Meeting TSIC
15th - Interaction with startups at Agi hub, PJTSAU
15th - EC meeting of ISSA @ Delhi
18th - 67th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
21st - Raitu Sadassu at Palle Srujana
21st - Participation in Kisan expo
22nd - Active Volunteer group meeting
23rd - 28th - Rural Internship for KGRIET students, Hyderabad
25th -  68th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
25th -  Virtual meeting with Akshay Krushi Parivar
27th -  Visit Niramaya to speak to school students and parents during summer training workshop in Nalgonda dist.
28th - Visit to two villages in Yadadri district with KIMS Foundation
28th - Raitu Sadassu at Palle Srujana
30th -31st- Core Group Meeting
April, 2022
6th - 61st Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
8th - Innovators participation in Social Entrepreneurship Impulse (SE) 2022 at BVIC, Hyderabad
11th - Interaction with a Team from Intel, US for developing applications of AI in farming in the state of Telangana
11-12th - Participation of grassroots innovators in TSIRI final pitch
12th - Virtual Interaction with Management of "Rang De" crowdfunding platform for raising funds for grassroots innovators
12th - Virtual meeting of Palle Srujana Volunteers to deliberate on a new initiative "Palle Srujana Pennidhi"
13th - 62nd Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
16th - Raithu sadassu @ Palle Srujana 
20th - 63rd Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
20th-22nd - Participation in Agtech South 22 at PJTSAU, Hyderabad
21st - Five innovators receiving financial grants from TSIC, Govt of Telanagna
23rd - Raithu sadassu @ Palle Srujana
23rd - Virtual Interaction with farmers at Manavatha Ashram
24th - Virtual talk at "UtSahin"
27th - Interaction with faculty and students of MIT, Pune
27th - 64th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
27th - Virtual meet with two Natural farmers
28th - Manthan with Palle Srujana wellwishers
28th - Interaction with Students and faculty  of Govt College, Siddipet
30th - Core group Meeting
30th - Discussion with two Natural farmers
30th - Meet Research scholars at Palle Srujana.
30th - Raithu sadassu @ Palle Srujana  
March, 2022
2nd - 57th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
5th - Raitu sadassu for display of Innovations
9th - 58th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
11th - Meeting of Board of Directors, TSIC
11th - Interaction with a Team from Intel, US for developing applications of AI in farming in the state of Telangana
11-12 - Participation of grassroots innovators in TSIRI final pitch.
12th - Virtual meeting of Palle Srujana Volunteers to deliberate on a new initiative "Palle Srujana Pennidhi"
12th - Virtual Interaction with Management of "Rang De" crowdfunding platform for raising funds for grassroots innovators
12th - Raitu sadassu for display of Innovations
14-15th - Visit to Kisan Sangh, Maharashtra
16th - 59th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
16th - Webinar with a NGO 
19th - Raitu sadassu for display of Innovations
20-22 - Participation in Agtech South 22 at PJTSAU, Hyderabad
23rd - 60th Weekly webinar on Innovationlu
26th - Raitu sadassu for display of Innovations
26th - Interaction with Scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
26th - Invitation from CMR College to guide evaluation of school children's ideas.
26th - Visit of CEO, Bala Vikasa to Palle Srujana.
26th - Interaction with potential start ups at ASCI, Hyderabad
27th - Visit of  Dr Vipin Kumar, Director NIF for interaction Volunteers of Palle Srujana
28th - Interaction with Volunteers for "Making Villages innovative" through TSIC.
28th March -1st April- Indian Social Science Conference (ISSC) in Tamil Nadu
31st March- Plenary lecture at 45th ISSC @ Chennai
February, 2022
1st - Visit of Grassroots Innovator Venkatesh from Warangal dist
2nd - Visit to Pochampally  to install loom lifter for a handicapped weaver. Innovation by Siva Kumar Modha
2nd - 53rd Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
5th - Innovator Shanmukha Rao visit 
5th - Raitu sadassu for display of Innovations
7th - Conclusion of Internship by Sai Harshiny, MBA student from Xavier Institute, Chennai
8th - TSIC team visiting Palle Srujana
9th - 54th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
12th - Raitu sadassu for display of Innovations
16th - Interaction with Scientists of CSIR through ASCI, Hyderabad
16th - 55th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
19th - Raitu sadassu for display of Innovations
20th - Meeting with TSIC Team
21st - Board of Governors Meet , HITAM, Hyderabad
23rd - 56th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
23rd - Round Table Panel discussion at IIIT, Hyderabad on "CSR for Social Causes"
23rd - Visit TSIC and interaction with CIO, TSIC
25-27th - 40th Chinna Shodha Yatra in District Nellore, A.P
26th - Raitu sadassu for display of Innovations
30th - 57th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
January, 2022
1st - visit Injapur to see Modha Lifter fitted on a Loom
4st - Participation in Assistive Technologies exhibition at Hyderabad
6th - 53rd Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
7-9th - Participation in Vijayawada Organic Mela 2022 
13th - 54th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
16th - Launch of Film "Aveum Jagat: on Grassroots Innovations @ Madanapalle
17th - Virtual interaction of Sristi, Norway University  and Godasu Narasimha
20th - 55th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
18-22 - Rural Internship with PG Students of TISS, Hyderabad.
22nd - Visit of CEO, TASK to Palle Srujana
26th - Virtual Interaction with the Scientists of PRL, Ahmedabad
27th - 56th Weekly Webinar on Innovationlu
December, 2021
1st - Interaction with students of MVSR Engg College
1st - 51st Webinar on Innovationlu
3rd - Interaction with students of MVSR Engg College 
4th - Raitu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
5th - Discussion on possible cooperation with Mars productions
8th - 52nd Webinar on Innovationlu
9th -Meeting with Research scholars from KIMS Foundation. 
9th -Interaction with women Scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
11th -Raitu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
11th -Virtual meeting with MLRIT and Innovators
13th -Interaction with Faculty and students of IARE, Hyderabad
15th -53rd Webinar on Innovationlu
15th -Interaction with scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
16th -Interaction at IPE, Hyderabad
17-19th -Participation in "Ag-Tech 20201" @ LAM, Guntur
17-19th -39th Chinna Shodha Yatra
18th -Raitu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
22nd-Team from K L University visiting Palle Srujana to discuss collaboration.
25th-Raitu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
29th - Interaction with Faculty and students on Grassroots Entrepreneurship by B Subhash Chander
31st - Deliberations with Faculty and students of NIT, Warangal
November, 2021
3rd - 47th Webinar on Innovationlu
6th - Raitu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
6th - Interaction with farmers at Gollakandukuru Rachhabanda By Subhash Chander
6th - Inauguration of labs at Kamareddy School
9th - Discussion on GRIPS @ Palle Srujana
9th - Interaction with PG Diploma students at NAARM, Hyderabad
10th - Meeting with an Entreprenuer
10th - Visit of an entrepreneur to acquire Grassroots Innovation
10th - 48th Webinar on Innovationlu
11th - Deep dive with GRIPS Team
13th - Raitu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
13th - Virtual Core group meeting
14th - Virtual Inteaction with farmers of Kurnool dist
16th - KIMS Foundation meeting
17th - 49th Webinar on Innovationlu
17th -  Interaction with an Entreprenuer
20th - Raitu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
22nd - "A Journey of Exploration " with students of IARE
23rd - Interaction with Faculty and students of Sphoorthy Engg College
24th - 50th Webinar on Innovation
26th - Interaction of students and Faculty at Sphoorthy Engg College
27th - Raitu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
27th - Student interaction at Osmania University engineering College

October, 2021
01-03 Oct 38th Chinna Shodha Yatra in Dist Ananthapuram, AP
05th Oct Visit of Chief Reporter AKERU - Telugu and English Channel
05th Oct New  Volunteers visiting Palle Srujana
06th Oct 43rd Webinar on Innovationlu
11th Oct Meeting with CGM, NABARD AP and Telangana
12th Oct Core Group Meeting
18th Oct Interaction with Faculty and students of Anurag Institute
13th Oct Palle Srujana presentation in Global Education summit - a virtual Conference
13th Oct 44th Webinar on Innovationlu
19th Oct Workshop for 60 Women Entrepreneurs from ALC
20th Oct Workshop for 30 Women Entrepreneurs from ALC
20th Oct 45th Webinar on Innovationlu
21st Oct Visit of a Young woman Entrepreneur to Palle Srujana
24th Oct Workshop for 70 Women Entrepreneurs from ALC
25st Oct Entrepreneur from US for exploration of marketing grassroots innovations 
26th Oct Interaction with Scientists organized by ASCI
27th Oct 46th Webinar on Innovationlu
27th - 31st Oct Agri-Tech exhibition at Vijayawada
28th - Interaction with faculty and students of HITAM, Hyderabad
30th - "Raitu Nestam" Award presentation to Innovator Ashok Koppula
30th - 31st Oct Display of grassroots innovations at TTD, Tirupathi
September 2021
01 Sep   Webinar 39 on Raitu innovationlu
04 Sep    Raithu Sadassu 15 at Palle Srujana
08 Sep   Webinar 40 on Raitu innovationlu
11 Sep    Raithu Sadassu 16 at Palle Srujana
15 Sep   Webinar 41 on Raitu innovationlu
18 Sep   Raithu Sadassu 17 at Palle Srujana 
22 Sep   Webinar 42 on Raitu innovationlu
25 Sep   Raithu Sadassu 18 at Palle Srujana 
28 Sep  CEO, T Hub and his Team visiting Palle Srujana 
29 Sep   NRI from Dubai visiting Palle Srujana
29 Sep   NRI from Dubai visiting Palle Srujana
29 Sep   Students from Narsee Monjee Institute visiting palle Srujana for Mentoring and Internship
August, 2021
3rd Aug - Visit Innovator at Jagtiyal alongwith two industrialists
4th Aug -Webinar 35 on Raitu innovationlu
4th Aug -Interaction with CEO, Navam Foundation
5th Aug -Deliberations for synergy with NGO "Mana Ooru Mana Badyatha"  and shooting of Innovations for a Youtube Channel
6th Aug -Deliberations with a team involved in organic farming
6th Aug -Discussion on engaging college students with society with Inquilab Foundation
6th Aug -Presentation of three Grassroots Innovations to MLRIT for taking them from POC to product.
7th Aug -Making documentary on Innovator G Ashok nurtured by Palle Srujana by TV Bharat
7th Aug -Raithu Sadassu 11 at Palle Srujana
11th Aug -Webinar 36 on Raitu innovationlu 
12th Aug -Visit Maddikunta Village in Kamareddy Dist with NAVAM Foundation for a possible Gyan Shodh.
14th Aug -Sadassu at Palle Srujana for Goshala/Dairy farm owners and Conveners of Crematoriums to appreciate the products from Dung
14th Aug -Raithu Sadassu 12 at Palle Srujana
15th Aug -Virtual Interaction with students and Parents of Bhavitha High School, Kamreddy
18th Aug - Webinar 37 on Raitu innovationlu
21st Aug - Raithu Sadassu  13 at Palle Srujana
24th Aug - Virtual Interaction with Students, Teachers and parents of Kamareddy, Nizamabad dists organized by Navam Foundation
25th Aug - Webinar 38 on Raitu innovationlu
27th Aug - Visit Innovators in Jagtiyal dist.
28th Aug - Raithu Sadassu 14 at Palle Srujana
July, 2021
3 - July - Raitu Sadassu 6 @ Palle Srujana 
7 - July - Webinar 31 on Raitu innovationlu
9 - July -Participating in a Panel at the Roundtable meeting on AI & Emerging Technological Solutions for Grassroots School Education Post-Pandemic at Rajireddy Centre, IIIT, Hyderabad
10 - July -Raitu Sadassu 7 @ Palle Srujana
14 - July -Webinar 32 on Raitu innovationlu
17 - July -Interaction with an entrepreneur for manufacturing grassroots innovations
17 - July -Raitu Sadassu 8 @  Palle Srujana
20 - July -Visit to Innovator Kishan Kumar , Jagtiyal dist
21 - July -Webinar 33 on Raitu innovationlu
24 - July -Raitu Sadassu 9 @ Palle Srujana 
28 - July -Webinar 34 on Raitu innovationlu
31 - July -Raitu Sadassu 10 @ Palle Srujana   
27 - July - Interaction with faculty at NTTTR, Chandigarh
31 - July - Participation in Community Partners Meet at CMR College, Hyderabad
June, 2021
4 - June - Webinar of Palle Srujana Parivar " What we did during 2020?"
12 - June - Webinar of Society Advisory Group on Children during Pandemic (SAGPC) on " Loss of learning by Children during Pandemic"
15 - June - Second Meeting of SAGCP
16 - June - Webinar 28  on Raithu Innovationlu
18 - June - Palle Srujana - SAGCP webinar on 'Loss of Learning during Pandemic" with school children
19 - June - A webinar for interacting with school children on creativity
20 - June - Participation in "Vijayee Bhava" webinar to address Teachers on "How to nurture creativity in children"
21 - June - Second Meet of SAGCP
23 - June - Webinar 28  on Raithu Innovationlu
26 - June - Participation in a FDP programme at Govt College, Anekal, Karnataka
30 - June - Webinar 29  on Raithu Innovationlu
May, 2021
1 - May - Interaction with SAC, IEEE, Hyderabad thru webinar
1 - May - Participation of Palle Srujana in BoS meeting of HITAM, Hyderabad
1 - May - Visit of Mr Uday Kuma fro KVK, Narsingi to IDC, Palle Srujana
5 - May - Webinar 24  on Raithu Innovationlu  
12 - May -  Webinar 25  on Raithu Innovationlu  
19 - May - Webinar 26 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
26 - May - Webinar 27 on Raithu Innovationlu
28 - May - Participation as guest speaker in Women Entreprneuership workshop organized by AgHub, PJTSAU, 
April, 2021
10- Apr - Farmers Exhibition at NTR Garden, Hyderabad, Organizad by TSIC. 
14- Apr - Saturday Workshop 6 for Farmers (Raitula Innovationla Sadassu) at Palle Srujana office
24- Apr - Saturday Workshop 7 for FPOs (Raitula Innovationla Sadassu) at Palle Srujana office
28- Apr -Webinar 23  on Raithu Innovationlu  
28- Apr - Mr Subhash Chander as Resource Person for Two-day Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) for SC students at PJTSAU, Hyderabad
30- Apr - Interaction with Dr Sampat Kumar, Agri Extn officer, Mudhole  
30- Apr - Conversation on Covid 19 between Dr Pradyut Waghray and the villagers  through webinar
March, 2021
3- Mar - Webinar-21 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
6- Mar - Display Innovations organized by TSIC at I Max, Hyderabad
8- Mar - Mahila Raitu Sadassu @ Palle Srujana
9- Mar - Participation in a “CHOOSE TO CHALLENGE -TOGETHER WE  CAN” National  Workshop (on line), IIIT, Tiruchirapalli,  08– 12 Mar 21
10- Mar - Webinar-22 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu 
13- Mar - Sadassu FPO-2 for farmers of FPOs
13-20 Mar - Participation in Indian Social Science Conference at Vidisha, 
14- Mar - XLIV Indian Social Science Congress @ Vidisha, MP
16- Mar - Invitation to participate in a webinar organized by NABARD on "Rural Development through Bank Credit"
17- Mar - Webinar-23 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu   
20- Mar - Raitu Sadassu - 5 @ Palle Srujana
22- Mar - Display of Innovations at CMR College of Engineering, Hyderabad
24- Mar - Webinar-24 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
30- Mar - Signing of MoU with Ramachandra College of Engineering
31- Mar - Webinar-25 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
February, 2021
2- feb - Webinar-17 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
2- feb - Visit to madanapalli, Dist Chittor to meet Innovators 
4- feb - Interaction with 35 participants of  in Youth Sammelan @ Manav Tirth, Chhattisgarh
4- feb - Addressing youth seminar at Manv Tirth, Chhattisgarh
6- feb - Raithu sadassu-3 at Palle Srujana
9- feb - Webinar-18 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
10- feb - Pitching Grassroots initiatives at TSIC event
9- feb - Interacting with PG diploma students at NAARM
13- feb - Farm Innovation workshop-1 for FPOs
16- feb -Webinar-19 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
18- feb -Virtual Interaction with Faculty and students of VJIT, Hyderabad
20- feb -Raithu sadassu-4 at Palle Srujana
20- feb -Executive Council meeting, Indian Social Science Academy @ Vidisha, MP
21- feb - Virtual Interaction with Voluntary Group, USA
22- feb - Visit of Faculty Team from Gitanjali College of Engineering, Hyderabad
23- feb - Talk to Telangana Teachers through "Mana TV" 
24- feb - Webinar-20 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
24- feb - Interaction with Scientists  at ASCI, Hyderabad
26-28- feb - 36th Chinna Shodha Yatra in Visakhapatnam and Vizianagaram dist, AP
January, 2021
5- Jan - Participation in the Golden Jubilee event of IRDE, Dehradun
6- Jan -Meeting with Team TSIC
6- Jan - Webinar-13 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
7- Jan -Inauguration of Nannam Pole Climbing Training centre at Hyderabad
8- Jan -Interaction with faculty and students at Vignan Pharmacy College, Vadlamudi, Guntur Dist
12- Jan - Meeting of Innovator with ab Agriprneuer at Palle Srujana
13- Jan - Webinar-14 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
14- Jan - Visit to Akshara Vanam at Kalwakurthy 
16- Jan - One day Rural Internship for students of TISS, Hyderabad
16- Jan - Raithu Sadassu-1 at Palle Srujana
17- Jan -  Address Impact foundation
20- Jan -  Webinar-15 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
21-22- Jan -  Two day interaction with faculty of KGR Engg College on "Understanding Villages"
23- Jan -  Rural Internship (RIPS 3) online for PG students of TISS, Hyderabad
27- Jan -  Webinar-16 on Palle Srujana Innovationlu
28- Jan -  Meeting with Team IICT-CSIR, Hyderabad for pursuing a grassroots innovation under MoU
30 - Jan -  Raithu sadassu-2 at Palle Srujana

December 2020
2 - Palle Srujana Innovationla Webinar- 8 on " Farm and Non-Farm Innovations" 
2 - Interaction with freshers of RGKCET
3 - Motivation lecture to winners of competitions held by PJTSAU on Agriculture Day
3 - Visit of Team from Water and Livelihood Foundation
3 - Display of Assistive Technologies  at NTR gardens. Grassroots innovators participated.
4 - Participation in a webinar by CIPS, Hyderabad on "Monitoring the utilization of  District Innovation Fund"
5 - Interaction with faculty and students of Sphoorthy Engg College.
5 - Interaction with "Thought works" executives
9 -  Webinar with freshers of MVSR Engg College
9 -  Interaction with Faculty and students of MVSR Engg College
9 -  Palle Srujana Innovationla Webinar- 9 on " Farm and Non-Farm Innovations" 
10 -  Interaction with  Scientists  through ASCI, Hyderabad
10 -  Lecture to freshers at OU Engg College 
11 -  Webinar with students of Nannayya University
12- Visit- Management of RGK CET, Hyderabad
12-13 - Visit to Central Tribal University at Vizianagaram
14- Virtual Interaction with IAS and All India Service Probationers (Batch CD)
15- Virtual Interaction with IAS and All India Service Probationers (Batch AB)
16 - Presentation of Raitu Nestam awards to Innovator By Honble Vice President at Hyderabad
16 - Palle Srujana Innovationla Webinar- 10 
20 - Participation in Executive Committee virtual mtg of ISSA
21 - Visit of Akshay Krushi Parivar (AKP) Team
23 - Innovation Display at Karimnagar organized by TSIC, Govt of Telangana
23 - Palle Srujana Innovationla Webinar- 11 
25-27 - 35th Chinna Shodha Yatra (CSY)
29-12-20 to 03-01-21- Rural Internship for PG students of TISS, Hyderabad-
30- Palle Srujana Innovationla Webinar- 12 

November, 2020
1 - Palle srujana Volunteer Meeting
3 - Interaction with DST scientists at ASCI through WEbinar
4 - Palle Srujana Innovavationlu Webinar 4 on Bio Pesticides
5 - Interaction with Shri Jitendar Singh, MoS, PMO on an invitation at Newdelhi
7 - Visit of Team NABARD, Telangana State Regional Office 
8 - Interaction and discussion of new initiatives for Grassroots innovations with Sri Nikitha, Dinesh and Nishant
11 - Palle Srujana Innovavationlu Webinar 5 on Nematicide and weedicide
18 -Palle Srujana Innovationla Webinar- 6 on " Nutrition Food and Herbal liquids"
18 -Executive Committee virtual meeting of ISSA 
23 - Discussion on Community based learning with faculty of KGRCET
24 - FDP on "Rural Entrepreneurship" at Mahatma Gandhi University
24 - Deliberation with Dinesh and Nishant from Mars Film Productions
24 - Visit of Vice Chancellor, AP Tribal University
25 - Interaction with students of Stanley Girls Engg College
25 -Palle Srujana Innovationla Webinar- 7 on " Farm and Non-Farm Innovations"
25 -Interaction with students and faculty of Stanley Engg College
26 -Webinar with scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
26 -Meeting with Faculty from MVSR Engg College
29 -Interaction with students  of Siddhartha Pharma College, Vijayawada
October, 2020
13 - Brainstorming by Volunteers of Palle Srujana
14 - Palle Srujana Webinar on Weeders. Click here for Flyer
15 - Vijayeebhava Talks : Tributes to Dr APJ Kalam on his birth day
15 - TSIC meeting
16 - Interaction with TSIC Team
16 - Meeting with GM, NABARD, TSRO
21 - Palle Srujana Webinar on Sprayers
27 - Participation in webinar by India Next and Farmer connect
29 - Launching of book on C Venkata Reddy, Padmashri Awardee
September, 2020
31st agust to 05th Sep - Sep Rural Internship online for Students of MVSR College, Hyderabad
3rd - Webinar with Teachers of Narayanpet Dist, Telangana.
4th - Participation in launch of Telangana Social Innovation Network
5th -Celebrate Gurus on teachers day  by Sristi.org
6th - Interaction with Teachers of Peddapally dist
7th to 12th -Rural Internship online for Students of MVSR College
8th - Interaction with teachers of  Hyderabad and ranga reddy dist
14th to 19th - Rural Internship online for Students of MVSR College 
16th - Interaction with students and faculty of HITAM to discuss 'What Engineers should do?'
17th - Discussion with TSIC team on Assistive technologies
21st - Visit of Innovator Kishan rao to palle Srujana to pursue his innovation to help farmers across the country
21st to 26th - Rural Internship online for Students of MVSR College 
22nd - Demonstration at Palle Srujana of a grasscutter by Shri Balaram
23rd - Participation in TSIC team meeting as Advisor
28th Sep to 03 Oct - Rural Internship for MVSR College students 
August 2020
5th -   Interactive Webinar with teachers of gadwal Dist
6th -   TSIC organized webinar with Dist PROs of Telangana state
9th -   Online meeting of AKshay Krishi Parivar
10th - 16th -   Rural Internship @ Palle Srujana (On line) for 120 students of MVSR Engg College, Hyderabad
11th -   Webinar with Vijayeebhava  - a NGO
17th -   Interaction with Teachers of Mahbubnagar Dist
17th - 23 rd -  Rural Internship to 120 students (Batch 2) of MVSR Engg College, Hyderabad
18th -    Speaking to Teachers of Mahabubanagr and Wanaparthy districts
20th -    Participation in Brainstorming for Social Innovation Policy organized by TSIC, GoT
24h - 29th - Rural Internship to 120 students (Batch 3) of MVSR Engg College, Hyderaba
30th - Natural Eco Living (NELP) webinar 
July 2020
11th July, 2020- Discussion with Mr B K Singh, Former DFO 
12th July, 2020- Deliberation with MD, YES TV 
13th July, 2020- Visit of farmers from Medak Dist 
14th July, 2020- Visit of four farmers to IDC, Palle Srujana from Medak Dist 
16th July, 2020-  Interaction with nfw Fellows of TSIC as part of their orientation programme 
16th July, 2020-  Participation in a Webinar on "Dissemination of Agriculture and animal husbandry related innovations" by Honeybee network Collaborator Mr P Vivekanandan, Madurai
18th July, 2020-  Meeting with Core Volunteers
20th July, 2020-  Interaction with volunteers at Palle Srujana
21st July, 2020-  Web  Participation in a workshop on World Entrepreneurs Day by Sristi, Ahmedabad
June 2020
1st June , 2020 - Publication of second ecopy of Palle Srujana Magazine.
02nd June , 2020 - Visit KVK, Narsingi, Telangana to deliberate on the synergy between both organizations.
9th June, 2020 - Webinar with young enthusiasts of Visakahapatnam
9th June, 2020 - Sridhar Volunteer visit to Palle Srujana
15th June , 2020 - Interaction with scientists from IICT on the progress of windmill.
16th - 30th June, 2020- Online Rural internship for IIIT, Idupulapaya students organized by Ihub at Kurnool
23rd June, 2020- Interaction with Dr Ranganayakulu for fund support to grassroots innovators
29th June, 2020- Webinar with TSIC 
April, 2020
10 -  Discussion with Team TSIC on conference call
12 -  Tele discussion with SIBM, Hyderabad
14 -  Palle Srujana Volunteers meet Virtual  from 1.30 to 2.30 PM
15 -  Webinar organized by IEEE, Hyderabad on "Innovations in Rural India" at 1130 am.
March, 2020
2-3 - Interaction with JICA and TSIC
3 -    Meet with SVP local chapter
4 -    Visit Mahipal Chary @ Parkal
5 -    Visit of Mr Suresh Babu from LEEDS
5 -   Visit of a Faculty Team from Aeronautical Engineering college, Hyderabad
6 -   Meeting of Innovators to discuss on JIGAR nad GRIPS.
6 -   Visit of Mallesham Padmashri awardee to Palle Srujana.
7 -    Display of grassroots Innovations at Loyola Agri College, Hyderabad
7 -    Interaction with Management and faculty at HITAM, Hyderabad
7-8 - Participating in Namaste Kisan event @ Kollapur  
8 -   Herbal Healers meet at Achampet
9 -     Visit Ravindra College of Engineering for Women, Kurnool. 
10 -     Volunteer Team GRIPS meeting with SVP partner Shri Paparao garu for mentoring
12 -  Display of Innovations at ICC Event in Hotel Mariott, Hyderabad
13 -  Interaction with Scientists from IICT on windmill for water lifting
13 -  Participating in Consultation Workshop with Stake Holders for UK-India Tech Hub
14 -    Visit of farmers from Kisan sangh, Telangana
15 -    15 Mar Presentation of 7th Gyan Shodh @ Bodlanka participants  to CEO, CDR and the Team.
16 -     Deliberation with Team Ekalavya Foundation for synergy
16 -     Visit of ETV team
17 -      Core group meeting
18 -      Display of innovations at CMR College, Hyderaba
19 -    Visit of President Akshay Krishi Parivar to Palle Srujan
22 -    Executive Committee meeting of Indian Social Science Academy at Delhi
February, 2020
01 -   Display of Innovations at IIIT, Basra
01 -   Felicitation to Padmashri awardee - Farmer Innovator Chintala Venkat Reddy by Raitu Nestam Foundation at hyderabad
01 -   Visit of Mr Srinivas Global Transformation
01 -   Visit of Mr Srinivas Rachakonda from Nigeria, Dr Ranganayakulu, Thrive energy
04 -   Route reconnaissance  for 34 CSY
04 -   Visit Mahipal chary at Parkal
05 -   Interaction with Scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad 
06 -   Visit to NALSAR, Hyderabad for interaction with law students
06 -   Journalist from Telangana Today visited Palle Srujana
06-07 -   Visit of Me Gowtham from Sahyadri College of Engineering, Mangalore
07 -    Core Group meeting
08-09 -   Palle Srujana Kutumba Samavesham @ Hyderabad
18-19 -   Meeting of Akshay Krishi Parivar at Jalgaon
20 -   Interaction with Teaching staff at OU Education Department
22-24 -   6th Gyan Shodh @ Boddulanka by 16 Volunteers in four tribal villages in collaboration with local NGO CDR.
26 -   Visit of Team from Social Venture promoters (SVP), Hyderabad rujana
26 -   Deliberations of Volunteers and Core group on Proposal to JICA
27 -   Interaction with Scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
27 -   Participation in "Science Day" at Bhaskara Auditorium
27 -   Meeting to discuss agri grassroots innovations with Dr Kalpana Sastry and Dr Varaprasad
28 Feb to 01 Mar -    34 Chinna shodha Yatra
January, 2020
2-  Visit village with Vijayram garu and G Narasimha - Innovator.
4-  Interaction with Maharshi Goshala, Hanamkonda , IEI - Warangal Chapter and NIT, Warangal.
6 - 12-  45th Shodh Yatra in CHmba Valley, Himachal Pradesh, Visit sristi.org for more details.
7-   Participation in a School event in Madugula Village RR Dist
8-   Interaction with students of Vardhaman College of Engineering
9-  Deliberation with TANA representative and Mallesham garu on implementation of MoU on distribution of Asu machines
12-  Participation in a Meeting at AHF, Hyderabad
13-  Core group meeting
16-21-   Participation in a National Seminar of Indian Social Science Academy @ Bengaluru University
22-  Meeting with "Humans of Hyderabad" Team
22-  Interaction with Start up TV
22-  Film maker from Maharashtra visited palle Srujana
23-  Visit to Siddipet to interact with teachers and students of Govt High School
24 -   Shooting by Start up TV
24 -   Herbal healers awareness meet organized by TDU, Bengaluru and Palle Srujana.
25 -   Visit of Mr Manohar Prasad, Director CDR
26 -   Interaction with poor students at Miyapur, PSS Trust 
26 -   Flag hoisting at Benjamin Franklin club, Secunderabad
27 -  Meeting of Palle Srujana trust
27 -   Visit of Chief, Grambharati and his team
28 -   32 Faculty from Vardhaman Engineering College, Hyderabad for one day workshop
29 -  Interaction with PG students of Managemnt in Agriculture at NAARM, Hyderabad 
30 -  Interaction with Scientists and women entrepreneur at CFTRI@Mysore
31 - Finer details deliberation of Palle Srujana Kutumba Samavesham  
31 - Visit of Ashish Dewan from Netherlands representing World vision
December, 2019
1 - 3  -Participation of grassroots innovations in IIIF, Hyderabad 
2 - 3 - Presentation by PG students, TISS  
7 - 8 - Participation in "Seva Sangam"  in Vijayawada
10 - Interaction with JICA @ T Hub coordinated by TSIC
11 - Interaction with Scientists at ASCI,Hyderabad
11 - Visit of Women Scientists to Palle Srujana from ASCI, Hyderabad
12 -  Presentation at ICC summit on "Design Challenges for grassroots"  at Hyderabad
14 -  Meeting people at Dharmapuri
17-18 -  Meeting of Akshay Kisan parivar at Bardoli, Gujarat
19 -  Meeting with Team TSIC
20-22 -  33rd Chinna Shodha yatra in Chittor Dist
21 -  Display of Grassroots innovations at KBN College, Vijayawada
21-25 -  SAATVIK - 2019 at Ahmedabad organized by SRISTI,  Visit sristi.orgfor more details.
24 -  Meeting with IICT and innovator
24 -  Deliberations with Volunteer Prashanti
24 -  Interaction with Team from CMS and Europe India Centre for Business and Industry
24 -  Meeting with CEO, BVIC
25 -  Visit of grassroots Innovators Uday Bhaskar and Jayaprakash
25 -  Interaction with CEO, Growth Labs
25 - Deliberations with Volunteers Akhila, Sai and Omkar
26 -  Core group meeting
27 -  Interaction with management of HITAM
30 -  Signing of MoU with Vardhaman College
30 Dec - 1st Jan 2020-  Display of grassroots innovations at State level Science, Maths and Environment Exhibition at K.B School, Turkayamjyal, RR Dist
31 -  Deliberation on certification for herbal healers with Dr Bapuji ex CSIR
31 -   Interaction with Volunteers - Priyanka, Gayatri, Prahanthi and Kranthi at Palle Srujana
November, 2019
1 -    Interaction with Social entrepreneurs and agriprenuers at ALC India, Hyderabad
2 -    Participation and display of grassroots innovations at NIT, Warangal during Annual Technozion
5 -    Interaction with Team from Dr Reddy Labs Foundation
6 -    Core Group Meeting
9-10 -   Display of innovations in Makers Faire, Hitex, Hyderabad
7 -    Interaction with Faculty and students of IARE, Hyderabad
8 -    Meeting with Dr Hariram Murthy, FRLHT, TDU, Bengaluru
8 -    Visit of Team from IICT- CSIR, Hyderabad
9 -    One day Workshop for Facutly, Sphoorthy college
9 -    Meeting with Team from Padmashali Association, North America  and Mallesham Garu
10 -    Radio talk on " Palle Srujana" for NRIs
11 -    Meeting with Dean, TISS to finalize the programme of Internship
11 -    Deliberations with Team TSIC
11 -    Meeting with Inqui-lab team
12 -    Deliberations with Team TSIC
12 -    Visit to Innovator in Vikarabad dist
14 -    Opening of an organic shop and interaction with entrepreneurs in agri-business sector
14 -    Interaction with Scientists, NGRI
14 -    Interaction with scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
14 -   Conclusion of Internship to TISS, Hyderabad students
17 -   EC meeting of ISSA at JNU, New Delhi
19 -   Visit of Innovator Madhu from Warangal and Dr (hony) Mallesham Garu
20 -   Meeting with Agri Scientists Dr Kalpana Sastry and Dr Varaprasad on agri related innovations
21 -   Palle Srujana events at Vijayawada
22 -  Preparatory one day Workshop for 30 PG students from TISS, Hyderabad 
23 -  Preparatory one day Workshop for 30 PG students from TISS, Hyderabad 
25 -   Visit innovators in Khammam Dist
25-29 -   Field work for PG Students, TISS  
26-28 -   Display of grassroots innovations at Jignyasa-2019, Hyderabad
29 -  Visit Social women Entrepreneurs from ALC   
29-30 -   Visit to Dist Visakhapatnam   
October, 2019
3 -   Visit of IICT Team to Palle Srujana.
4 -   Meeting with Dr Kalpana Sastry group pix is attached. Place it on the Home page.
4-6 -   Display of grassroots innovations at National Organic Agri Products at Vijayawada.
15 -   Interaction with Agri scientists at NAARM
17 -   Interaction with DST scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
20-21 -   Display of Innovations at PJSTAU, Hyderabad 
24 -   Visit of Scientists from IICT, Hyderabad to study the Mastless windmill installed by Innovator Patan Saida at West Gogulapalli, Dist Nellore, AP 
26 -   Display of grassroots innovations at Kurnool
31 -   Internship to six students from TISS, Hyderabad commences
31st oct - 3rd Nov -   Display of grassroots innovations in Gadwal Constituency, Telangana 
September, 2019
1 -   Visit of 4 farmers from AP and Telangana
5 -   Route recce for 32nd Chinna Shodha Yatra
5 -   Visit Khammam to meet Ramaiah garu and A srinivasa rao garu
6, 7 and 9 -   Visit to IDC by School Children from Pragathi Central School, Kukatpally, Hyderabad  
8 -   Second phase survey for weaver beneficiary for Asu machine in Nalgonda dist by Volunteers of Palle Srujana.
7-8 -   Sub committee Meeting on "Seeds" at Yeotmal, Maharastra
11 -   One day workshop for 30 Faculty from Sphoorthy college
17-18 -   Sub committee meeting on Hand and animal driven equipment at Wada, Maharastra 
24 -   Team of Prof from PJSTAU to discuss the participation of Palle Srujana 
20-22 -   32nd Chinna Shodha yatra in Bhadradri Dist, Telangana
22 -   Display of ten grassroots innovations at TEDX in Narsingi, Hyderabad
25 -   Participation in Green India Enclave at Atal Behari Vajpayee Farm, Muchhintala.
27-28 -   Participation in RISC 2019 at NIRDPR, Hyderabad
30 -   Gopi Chand - Research Scholar from Bengaluru Agri Univ visit to Palle Srujana
30 -   Visit of CEO, YesSV Solar to Palle Srujana
August, 2019
1 - Final interaction with Interns from IIT, Basara.
1 -Innovator C Venkata reddy on All India Radio in  programme 1000 Wala in FM 101.9 from 8-30 to 9 am.
2 - Innovator Godasu Narasimha on All India Radio n  programme 1000 Wala in FM 101.9 from 8-30 to 9 am.
4 - Visit of Princ Secretary to Muktapur .
5 - Innovator Alladi Prabhakar on All India Radio in programme 1000 Wala in FM 101.9 from 8.30 to 9 am.
5 - Interaction with students and faculty of Stanley College of Engineering .
6 - Innovator B Ramesh on All India Radio in programme 1000 Wala in FM 101.9 from 8.30 to 9 am.
6 - Interaction with Faculty and students of SIBM, Hyderabad and display of grassroots innovations.
6 - Interaction with Scientists from across the country at ASCI, Hyderabad
7 - Signing of MoU with TANA and Govt of Telangana for supply of Asu machines.
10 - Dispatch of Hyacinth removal machine to Kenya from Innovator's village Muktapur.
13 - Interaction with Faculty and students of CMR Engineering College.
14 - Briefing on Palle Srujana to grama sabha at vill Bhoompally, dist Siddipet.
15 - Participation of Palle Srujana in the Independence Day event  at 33 districts of Telangana state in collaboration with TSIC and District Collectors.
15 -Display of grassroots innovations at respective dist HQ by grassroots innovators on Independence Day in 33 districts of Telangana
17 - Visit of Mr Soyode, Chairman of Nigeria Academy of Engineering and Industries
19 - Deliberation on cooperation between SIBM, Hyderabad and Palle Srujana
20-22 -Visit to Visakhapatnam, Vijayanagaram, Vijayawada in AP
22 -  Interaction with 100 women at Warangal coordinated by Access Livelihood Consulting India
22 -  Visit of 15 Faculty from Anurag group of colleges for one day workshop at Palle Srujana
23 - Shoot on Palle Srujana by "on the ground"
23 -  Interaction with Faculty and students at Osmania Engg College
25 -  Khammam to meet Padmashri Ramaiah Garu and A Srinivasa rao garu
28 -  Discussion with Manish  Jaiswal, Fellow, TSIC 
30 -  Interaction with volunteer Srinikitha
30 -  Interaction with Team TISS, Hyderabad
July, 2019
1 - Presentation by Interns of IIIT, Basara 
2 - Visit of 11 PG diploma students from Dayal Bagh Educational Institute 
4 - Discussion with Director, NIPER, Chandigarh for incubating herbal remedies. 
5 - Final day : Impressions of the PG Diploma students from DEI, Agra 
6 - Participation in GYTI award event at New Delhi for Rajendra Prasad - a Shodha yatri 
9 - Interaction with Scientists at ASCI
9 - Participation in an International seminar on"Role of NGOs in Education" at CMR College, Hyderabad. 
11 - Interaction with Faculty and students at LBR College, Mylavaram, AP
11 - Visit innovators in Vijayawada and Suryapet dist
12 - Interaction with innovators in Guntur dist
13-14 - Interaction with innovators of Prakasam Dist.
14 - Participation in "Go Adharitha Vyavasayam, Telangana State" Deliberations.
15 -Participation in"Think & Make" Innovation Programme launch BY iNQUILAB at TISS, Rajendranagar.
16 - Interaction with Priya Iyengar, Faculty, Symbiosis Institute, Shamshabad.
16 - Meeting with Ekalavya Foundation.
17 - Brain storming with 27 Faculty from CMR college on " Effective interaction f students with villagers".
18 - Meeting with Dr Jyothi, Management Institute, UoH.
18 - Review Internship by IIIT, Basara.
18 -  Deliberation with an Investor for Modha Device.
20-21 - Meeting of Akshay Krishi Parivar at Nagpur.
22 - Interaction with Dr Mahalakshmi, UoH. 
23 - Deliberation with Team TSIC, GoT. 
24 - Interaction with Scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad. 
26 - Visit of Mr Jayesh Ranjan, Prin Secy, Govt of Telangana to Muktapur to see the hyacinth removal machine made by Godasu Narasimha for Kenya. 
27 - TGTF event at SR College, Warangal. Three grassroots innovators are narrating their story  
25-31 -Interaction with Dist Collectors of Telangana along with Team TSIC.
28 - Executive Committee Meeting of Indian Social Science Academy at New Delhi.
29 - Meeting with ATREE, Bengaluru.
30 -  Interaction with Dr Giridhar, NIN at Palle Srujana.
31 - Visit innovators in Nizamabad and kamareddy dists.
June, 2019
2 June - Grassroots Innovation display  "T Innovation Utsavam" at People's Plaza, Necklace Road, Hyderabad, 4 to 10 PM.
3 June - Meeting with Innovators and Interns.
4 June - Meeting with Innovator M Satyanarayana and Interns from IIIT, Basara.
5 June - Visit of Mr Atul and Mrs Sangeetha from BIBOX and Mr Shivaraman from New life foundation.
5 June - Visit of Engg students from Stanley college  for Internship.
5 June - ETV interaction with Palle Srujana.
6 June - Mr Swami  Deva, CEO visit to Palle Srujana.
7 June - Interaction with Innovator Dhanunjaya.
7 June - Interaction with school children.
10 June - Meeting with Principal Secretary, GoT alongwith Shri Mallesham.
10 June - Eenadu interaction with Mallesham biopic team at Palle Srujana.
10 June - Meeting with T Works along with Innovator Jameelullah.
11 June - Visit of IICT scientists and Palle Srujana to West Gogulapally, Dist Nellore to assess the efficacy of Mastless windmill by Innovator Patan Saida.
17 June - Praja Sanmanam (Public Felicitation) to Ch Mallesham, Padmashri awardee by Pochampalli weaver community at Pochampalli
18 June - 44th ShodhYatra, Gadchiroli, Maharashtra
18 June - Journalist from "The Hindu" visiting Palle Srujana
18 June - Visit to Innovator Godasu Narasimha at his village
12-18 June - 44th ShodhYatra, Gadchiroli, Maharashtra
14-16 June - 31st Chinna Shodha yatra
21 June- Release of "Mallesham" biopic
20-21 June - Participating the Akshay Krishi Parivar meeting at Nagpur
21 June - Participating in the curtain raiser for "TEDX 2019"  at "The Address" Narsing X roads, Hyderabad
21 - Palle Srujana being introduced as "Eco Sustem Enabler" by "Your Story" at Sheraton, Hyderabad
21 - Interaction with the Executives of Wells Fargo Ltd, Hyderabad
25 -  Interaction with the Executives of Wells Fargo Ltd, Bengaluru
26 - Interaction with the Executives of Wells Fargo Ltd, Chennai
27 - Innovator Ashok visiting Palle Srujana
27 -Visit of Team Inquilab
29 - Visit to Dusharla Forest created by Satyanarayana garu at Sangareddy
29 - Visit of 11 PG diploma students from Dayal Bagh Educational Institute 
19 June - 3 july - Internship for 20 Engineering Students from HITAM, Hyderabad.
May 2019
1 May -   Participation in AMSSOI Administrative Committee meeting
5 May -  Executive Council Meeting of Indian Social Science Academy at Delhi
7 May -  Meeting with Innovator from Tanuku and Jai Barat TV
8 May -  Meeting with SRIX, Huzurabad for incubating grassroots innovations
9 May -  Route planning for 31st Chinna Shodha Yatra
11 May -  Discussion with MLRIT Incubation Team for incubation of Grassroots innovations
13 May -  Innovator Saibaba from Proddutur  presented his innovation for incubation at AIC - SKU, Ananthpur 
14 May - Visit of Mr Krupakar from Vijayawada and Sri S K Roy from SYS, Pune 
16 May - Visit of Innovator Chinnikrishnudu from Nizamabad 
17 May -  TSIC Team visiting Palle Srujana. 
18 May - Visit to Tanuku for interacting with locals 
20 May - Interaction with 100 children at a Summer camp organized by SSY at Keesara, Hyderabad. 
21 May - Visit of ChinniKrishnudu a famer who ideveloped new paddy  seeds to Palle Srujana 
22 May - Visit Kurnool for route recce for 31st CSY
25 May - Visit to Innovator Narasimha Godasu 
26 May - Interaction with Parents and Children at Summer camp, Keesara
27 May - Participation in Seminar at IEI on Increasing farmers' income
28 May - Interaction with Team INEA for incubation of grassroots innovations
29 May - Launch of trailer of biopic "Mallesham
30 May - Half a day workshop for Goshala keepers  on "Products from Dung"
April 2019
08 April -  Interaction with Scientists of NIPER, Chandigarh
12 April - Core Group Meeting of and at Palle Srujana
13 April - Display of Grassroots innovations at HITAM, Hyderabad
17 April - Palle Srujana Interaction with SRIX at SR college, Warangal
19-21 April -  30th Chinna Shodha Yatra in Dist Srikakulam, AP
22 April -    Interaction with IIIT, Basara students for Internship
23 April -  Visit of Sr Srinivasa Rao, USA for promoting Modha Device and Nose filter
24 April -  Mini core group meeting
25 April -  Visit of 30 Foreign Participants through ASCI, Hyderabad
24-26 April - Participation of Grassroots innovator G Narsimha in a workshop at Lal Bahadur National Academy for IAS trainees at Mussorie
March 2019
1-3 March Participation in Organic Food festival at Shilparamam, Hyderabad
6 - Felicitation to two grassroots innovators by TALK at Hotel Westin for being chosen as top 10 Start up Entrepreneurs of Hyderabad and also display of innovationss.
20 - Participation in Conference on “TELANGANA 2.0 : The Growth Story Continues” Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad
25-30 March - Participation in a National Seminar at IRMA, Ananad by Volunteer Subhash Chander
February, 2019
3 -  Interaction with School children at SLEPC in Warangal
4 -   Meting with Team, TSIC
14 -   Participation in "Startupedia" at IPE, Hyderabad
15 -   Visit of Mayor of Ramagundam and PD along with MEPMA members to Palle Srujana
16 -   Presentation at the Conference of Senior Research Fellows from South India at NIMSME, Hyderabad
17 -   Visit of Principal, teachers and 60 students from ASK Academy, Hyderabad
20 -   "Vocational Excellence " award to Mahipal Chary by Rotary Club, Hyderabad Deccan at ITC Kaktiya, Hyderabad
24 -   Participation in Rural livlihood programme at Vill Lachampur, Nagarkurnool dist
25 -   Palle Srujana Team visiting Innovators in Krishna Dist
26 -   Vsit of Innovators in Guntur Dist by Palle Srujana Team
27 -   Palle Srujana team visiting Innovators in Prakasam Dist
January, 2019 Events
2 -  Visit of Innovators K Pandu Ranga Rao and Mahipal Chary to Palle Srujana.
4 -  Visit of 50 children from Pragathi school, Hyderabad
4 -  National Entrepreneurship award to Mahipal Chary at Delhi
5 -  National AwardeeMahipal Chary  visit to Palle Srujana
5-7 - Participation of grassroots Innovators in Innovation exhibition at RSC, Tirupathi
9 -  Interaction with parents, teachers and students of Govt High school, Jeedimetla
12-13-  Seed Conference at Nandurbar, Gujarat where two of our grassroots innovators are participating
16- Core group meeting.
19 -  Discussion on MoU with HITAM
21 -  Meeting with Team , TSIC
21 -  Interaction with PG diploma students at NAARM
22 -  Display of grassroots Innovations at Sphoorthy College, Hyderabad
23 -  Visit Araku and Vizag
24 -  Interaction with MDP participants at IPE, Hyderabad
23-27 Exhibition of Innovations at Agri Expo at Vijayawada.
24-26 Agri and Diary Expo at Vijayawada.
28-30 Participation of 6 innovators and 2 volunteers in International Conference on Crativity @ grassroots at IIM, Ahmedabad organized by Sristi.
31 -   Honeybee network meeting at Ahmedabad.
December, 2018 Events
3 -  Meeting with CEO ,  S R College Incubation Centre
3 -  50 School children visiting IDC @ Palle Srujana
4 -  Interaction with Scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
4 -  Innovator Shanmukha Rao visiting Palle Srujana
5 -  Visit Innovator Babu Rao at Parvatipuram, AP
5 -  Interaction with Students and faculty of Avanti Group of Colleges at Talapulavalasa, Dist Srikaulam.
10 -  Visit Innovator Panduranga Rao at Narayankhed, Telangana
11 -  Visit of Women scientists from ASCI,  Hyderabad
12 -  Interaction with Scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
12-14 - Gyan Shodh in TITLI affected tribal villages in Srikakulam Dist, AP
15 -  Visit Innovator in Warangal Dist
16 - Women conference at Hyderabad 
21-23 -  29th Chinna Shodha Yatra in Dist Mahbubabad, Telangana 
25 -  Visit of Innovators Pandurang Rao, Shiv Kumar and Koteshwar Rao 
27 -  Innovator Koteshwar Rao visit to Palle Srujana
28 -  Interaction with TSIC and Agnii at Palle Srujana
27-28 -  Visit of school children to Palle Srujana
28 -  Visit of Innovator Siva Kumar and Pandu Ranga Rao to Palle Srujana
30 -  Visit to Innovator Koteshwar Rao
November, 2018 Events
1 -Visit Mrs Aruna, CII for coordinating initiative Nurturing on creativity of school children
2 - Assessment of Projects for communities by students of MLRIT
2 - Visit of 15 girl students of Princeton College of education, Hyderabad to Palle Srujana
3 - School students from Pragathi School Kukatpally,Hyd visiting Palle Srujana
3 - Visit of Techride Team to Palle Srujana
3-5 -Grassroots Innovation display at Vijayawada, organized by ALEAP
5 -Palle Srujana Team visiting Social Welfare schools at Shaikpet and Narsingi, Hyderabad coordinated by CII, Telangana
9-11 -Makers Faire Hyderabad
10 -Panel discussion at Maker Faire, Hydrabad
10 -Discussion at IICT, Hyderabad with Director and team from Delhi
13 -Meeting with Teams TSIC and AGNiI at Palle Srujana
14 -Core Group Meeting
16 -Visit Innovators in Nalgonda and Suryapet dist
17 -Award ceremony of IGNITE 2018 @ Amrapur, Gujarat
17 -Social Innovation Conference at Pune
18 -Interaction with members of a NGO associated with Techiride
20 - Visit of 50 DPS Bolaram children to Palle Srujana
22 - Visit of 50 DPS Bolaram children to Palle Srujana
24-25 - Participation in a seminar on "Hand and Animal driven agri implements" at Surat
27 - Pragathi school children visiting Palle Srujana
27 -  Route selection 29 CSY
29 -   Visit of 100 school children from DPS Bolaram
October, 2018 Events
1 -  Visit Sangareddy to participate in Start up yatra and GRI display
2 -  Grassroots innovation display at MN G College, Nalgonda.
3 - Display of grassroots innovations at CMR group of Institutions Campus
3-4 - Participation of 8 grassroots innovators from Telangana in final pitching of their ideas to jury at Start up Yatra in JNTUH
5 -  Visit of Padmashri Mallesham to Palle Srujana
6 -  Interaction with Kiranmayi- writer, director
7 -   Raitu Nestam award ceremony to Innovator Galla Chandrashekhar and Joint editor P Veera raghava Reddy by Vice President of India
8 -    Ajay - a film script writer visited Palle Srujana to explore the possibility of writing Palle Srujana Story
9 -   Visit of B.Ed Girl students to Palle Srujana 
9 -   Interaction with Faculty and students of RGMCT, Nandyal
10 -   Visit of Palle Srujana team to an innovator Shaik Budesab at Village Inkollu, Prakasam 
12 - 14 -28th Chinna Shodha yatra
17 -Interaction of Ch Mallesham with 20 Corporate heads assisted by Volunteer Akhila at Hyderabad
19 -Meeting with Director and Faculty of Chintalapudi College of Engineering, Dist Guntur
22 -Meeting with  Fellow,TSIC, Govt of Telangana
25 - visit to Innovator Praveen near Sircilla Galam ramu at Damaracherla, Saidulu at Nelakondapally
27 - Interaction with women start ups at ALEAP 
28 - Interaction with Farmers at Tanuku, WG Dist 
29 -Interacting with DST scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad 
30-31 -Visit Vijayawada
Programme og Grassroots Innovation display and start up Boot camp organized by Govt of Telangana and Palle Srujana
15 Sep - UoH Hyderabad and Launch at Haritha Hotel, Begumpet, Hydeabad
15 Sep - Mahbubnagar
17 Sep - Mahbubnagar
19 Sep - M G University, Nalgonda
20 Sep - Khammam
21 Sep - Jayamukhi College, Narsamlet, Dist Warnagal Rural
21 Sep - NIT, Warangal
21 Sep - NIT, Warangal
24 Sep - Karimnagar
25 Sep - Jagtial
27 Sep -Adilabad
28 Sep -IIIT, Basara
29 Sep -Nizamabad
30 Sep -Sangareddy
3-5 Oct -JNTU, Hyderabad

For exact location and other details please contact PS volunteers

M Raju 9502855858, 0885119202

Kanaka raju 9121868548

September, 2018 Events
1- 26 Engineering students from HITAM, Hyderabad visit Palle Srujana
2- Meeting with e-commerce start up
3- ETV visiting Palle Srujana 
3- Discussion for participation in Maker Faire being organised by Telangana state
4-Interaction with Scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
4- Meeting with T works and an Innovator
5- Meeting with T works and an Innovator
5- Meeting with Scientists of CCMB for pursuing a patent of a grassroots innovator
6 - 40 Students from MLRIT visited IDC @Palle Srujana
7 - Interaction with Scientists at NIPER, Chandigarh
8 - CSY route finalization
10 - Interaction with 93rd Foundation Course of All India and Central Service officers at MCHRD, Hyderabad
11-13 - Visit to Vizag and Araku
14 - Core Group meeting 
14 - Visit of ETV team to shoot Palle Srujana activity 
14 - Hari from Bengaluru visit to Palle Srujana 
15 - Launching of "Start up Yatra" 
15 Sep to 05 Oct - Start up and Grassroots innovation yatra in Telangana organized by TS Innovation Cell and Palle Srujana
17 - Visit of NIF Team 
18 - Meeting with CCMB Scientists for validation of a grassroots innovation  
20 - Meeting with The Hans Foundation at Delhi  
21 - Interaction with scientists at NIPER, Chandigarh  
24 - Interaction with Faculty and students of RGMCET, Nandyal  
25 - Core Group Meeting  
25 - Visit of Faculty from CMR Institutes  
25 - Meeting with Social post  
26 -  Sri Mallesham and few volunteers visiting Palle Srujan  
27 -  Particiaption in "Maggam" Fashion Show of Handlooms and felicitation to Ch Mallesham by Mrs Smriti Irani   
29 -  Interaction with faculty and students of St Anns College of Engineering and Technology, Chirala    
August, 2018 Events
1 -Core Group Meeting (AN)
2 -Meeting with T works, Govt of TS (AN)
2 -Lecture at Stanley College, Hyderabad
3 -Interaction with freshers at OUEC, Hyderabad
4 -Display of Grassroots innovations at SR College, Warangal
8 -Visit of Innovator G CHandrashekhar
8 -Meeting with Hon Minister KTR garu at Pragathi Bhavan
8 -Meeting of volunteers to fine tune Herbal Healers Meet scheduled from 0-11 Aug
8 -Meeting with TSIC and V6 TV for telecasting grassroots innovations
9 -Addressing scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
9 -Interaction with freshers of KGRCET, Hyderabad
10-11 -Telangana Second Herbal Healers Conference at TSFA, Hyderabad
14 -Interaction with faculty and students of Vagdevi College of Management at Warangal
19 -Interaction with ETV team
19-25 -42nd Shodh Yatra in Kutch Region, Gujarat
20 -Visit of 40 Engg students from MLRIT, Hyderabad
23 -Interaction with students and faculty of NIT, AP and  at Tadepalli Gudem
24 -Interaction with school students at Vijayawada
25 -Interaction with students of college at Vijayawada
28 -Visit Vimla Labs , Hyderabad
30-31 Participation in RISC 2018 at NIRDPR, Hyderabad
July, 2018 Events
1 - Interaction with chinna shodha yatries​
2 - Visit of HITAM Faculty for finalizing the MoU​
3 - Visit Vimla Labs, Hyderabad​
6 -Signing of MoU with HITAM​
10 -Interaction with NE States Agri Dept Officers at ASLI​
11 -Distribution of Asu Machines at Jangaon Dist. by IFCI Ltd.,​
12 -Felicitation of Grassroots innovator Syed Subhani by NABARD, AP RO on their Foundation Day
13-15 -Visit Vizag and Araku​
17 -Visit of Children from Lotus High School Miyapur, Hyderabad​
17 -Grassroots innovator visit to Palle Srujana​
22 -Visit to Innovative farmer who grew apples at Amangal
23 Visiting Galam Ramulu Innovator in his village Nelakondapally
24 Interatction with freshers at CMRCET College, Hyderabad.
25 -Meeting of PS Team with TS HE Council 
25 -Addressing Freshers at Sphorthy Collee of Engineering
26 -Interaction with DR RU Reddy, US 
27 -Introducing Social engineering to freshers at MLRIT
27 -Participation of GRI in HYSEA Digital Fest at HICC, Hyderabad.
27 -Interaction with Freshers at MLRIT, Hyderabad
28 -Visit Vigyan Vihar school and ZPH School at Nutakki, Tenali
28 -Visiting two schools to interact with Children @ Vijayawada
29-Participation in "Amaravathi Mini Makers Fair" as Innovation Partner with GRIs.
30 -Interaction with school and college students of Vetapalem  
31 - Meeting wit
June, 2018 Events
1-3 -  "Sneh Milan" - Honeybee Network Meeting at Ahmedabad  
5 -  Meeting with Fellows, from Telangana Innovation Cell  
6 -  Meeting with eminent Scientists Dr Radhakrishna and Dr Bapuji for an initiative to capture children and women creativity in Patti Seema area.  
7 -  Panel Discussion on Village empowerment  
10 -  Display of Grassroots innovations at Guntur  
12 -  Interaction with 50 Sarpanches at AIC, SKU, Ananthapur
15 -  Panel discussion of village development at Raj News  
17 - Grassroots innovation display at RDT, Ananthpur  
27 - Visit of NE States Govt officers to Palle Srujana​  
May, 2018 Events
2 -Visit of Innovator Malleshama and script writer Sainath Garu
5 -Visit of National convener 3i STEM and adviser Butterfly fields
5 -YOUVA Team visit 
5 - Innovator Ishfaq visiting Palle Srujana
8 -Route finalization for 27 Chinna Shodha yatra
9 -Deliberation with Director, IICT on validation of herbal medicines
10 -Visit of Fellows from Govt of Telangana Innovation Group
10 -Display of grassroots innovations at  KKR and KSR College, Guntur
11 -Interaction at Atal Incubaion Centre, SriKrishna Devaraya University, Ananthpur
14 -Meeting with Coordinator MAA Lakshmi Foundation, Vijayawada
14 -Interaction with Team Butterfly fields, Hyderabad 
18 -Familiarization meeting for Internees  at Palle Srujana 
19 -Meeting to discuss social engagement of Engg students at MLRIT, Hyderabad 
20 -Visit of a team from Atal Incubation Centre, Srikrishna Devaraya University, Ananthapur to Palle Srujana 
21 -Core Group meeting  
22 - Visit to innovators in Karimnagar Dist  
25 - Interactive session for women on "Grassroots creativity and Entrepreneurship" at Palle Srujana  
26 - Familiarization workshop for Interns  
27 - Finalization of Script for a film on a Grassroots Innovator 
28 - Visit to innovators in Warangal Dist  
30 - Interaction with Lt Col (Retd) B Ankiah, Chairman, Bandla Basavaiah Educational Institutions Committee, Vetapalem , Dist Prakasam, AP. 
30 - Visit of Prof Bichhanna, Volunteer from B.ED Training College, Hyderabad  
29-30 -  To Vijayawada for establishing IDC  
31 - Faculty of HITAM visit to IDC at Palle Srujana
31 -  Visit of 13 trainees from New Life Foundation to IDC, Palle Srujana
April, 2018 Events
4 -Interaction of grassroots innovator with a farmer to address farming problem
5 -meeting of grassroots innovator with IICT scientists
11 -Participation in National Innovation Summit "Prerana" with grassroots innovations at ATI, Hyderabad
16 -Deliberation on validation of herbal medicines at IICT
17 -Interaction with Mr Paulo, a Cambridge Univ research scholar
20 -Innovation display and interaction with students and faculty at BITS, Kurnool
23-28 -41st ShodhaYatra in Andaman island
27 -Display of innovations and interaction with school children at Vikas The concept school, Bachupall, Miyapur​
March, 2018 Events
2-4 -Participating in the Innovation Festival at Tirupathi.
5 -Interaction with  students and faculty at Annamayya College of Engineering, Rajampet, Dist kadapa alongwith Ch Mallesham, Padmashri Awardee.
5 -Display of grassroots innovations at Annamayya College of Engineering, Dist kadapa.
12 -Interaction with students of  Visakha Technical Campus, Vishakhapatnam.
13 -Presentation to the students and college of Maharaja's Pharmacy College, Vizianagaram
14 - Display of Grassroots innovations at Sphoorthy College, Hyderabad
15 - Interaction with School Children at Inqi-Lab Foundation, Hyderabad
16 -Presentation by PG students of TISS, Hyderab
19-23 -Festival of Innovations at Rashtrapthi Bhavan, New Delhi
23 -Interaction with ISRO and Other scientists at ASCI, Hyderabad
24 -Presentation on Grassroots entrepreneurship to Faculty of RD at M G University, Nalgonda.
25 -Mallesham Padmashri awardee talks at "BIG Talks:, Hyderabad
27 -Interaction with Founders of Techiefest, Hyderabad
28 -Team IFSI Ltd visiting Palle Srujana
31 -Interaction with Faculty of IIIT, Basara
February, 2018 Events
2-4 -Local Seeds exhibition at Ramakrishna Matt, Hyderabad
3 -Meeting with Butterfly Edufields , Hyderabad
4 -Interaction with Farmers @ Ramakrishna Matt, Hyderabad
5 -Display of Innovations at VNR VJIET, Hyderabad
5 -Route finalization 26th CSY
6 -Visit of 30 students + Faculty from TISS. Hyderabad
7 -Core Group Meeting @ Palle Srujana
5-9 -Documentation of Grassroots Innovations by students pursuing graduation at TISS, Hyderabad
9-11 -Display of Innovations at Agri Tech South CII exhibition at Rajendranagar
11 -Interaction with Students, parents and teachers at DAV High School, Kukatpally, Hyderabad
14 -Visit of 24 women scientists from ASCI, Hyderabad
17 -Innovator Mahipal Chary to speak at TedX @ Waranagal
17 -Interaction with Children, parents and teachers at School in Kandi, Dist Sangareddy
21 -Interaction of Govt Officers from NE states with grassroots innovators organized by ASCI
23-25 -26th Chinna Shodha Yatra in Krishna District
27 -Display of grassroots innovations at Bhavan's College, Secunderabad
27 -Interaction with students and faculty of Bhavan's College, Secunderabad
January 2018 Events
3 -Interaction at IIIT, Basara with students and faculty organized by IB Hub
6 -Consultation with TV 9 Management
8-10 -Visit Manav Tirth near Raipur to interact with children, parents and teachers of Prerana Vidyalay.
8-12 - Participation in South India Science Fair 2018 at Hyderabad
11 -Jury at CYIENT, Hyderabad for Innovations with social Impact
12 -Interaction with budding entrepreneurs at NIAS, ISc, Bengaluru
15 -Deliberations with HM TV Team
17 -Visit Innovator David raju, Vijayawada
18 - Interaction with Teachers and students of The HEAL School, Kothapalli, Krishna Dist
16-18 At Vijayawada to interact with farmers, students and children of AP
19-Visit of Innovators to Palle Srujana
20-ETV shooting at Ramoji Film studios
21- Visit village near Kurnool to interact with farmers, teachers and School children.
22-Innovator Saida Chary visit to Palle Srujana
22-Visit of two former women scientists CSIR
23-Discussion on establishing Fab Lab @ Vijayawada
24-25 Interactive session for innovators organized by Titan at Bengaluru for Innovator Ch Mallesham
27-Innovator David Raju visiting Palle Srujana
28-Visit of Mahipal Chary Innovator to Palle Srujana
29-Interaction with Agri Scientists at NAARM, Hyderabad
29-Meeting with Dr Kalpana Sastry and her team at TISS, Hyderabad
February 2018 Events
2-3 Route recce for 26th CSY
2-4 Local Seed Festival @ Hyderabad
5 Display of Innovations at VNR VJIET, Hyderabad
17- Interaction with School Children at Kandi, Dist Sangareddy
20- Innovation display at BVRIT College.

December 2017 Events
3 -Visit to Warangal and Huzurabad to meet innovators
4 -Meeting with Secretary, TS PCB alongwith Ch Mallesham, Padmshri awardee
4-5 -IICT and Grassroots Innovator Patan saida working on windmill at West Gogulapally, Nellore dist.
5 -Interaction with EU team at IIIT, Hyderabad
5 -Padmashri awardee Mallesham receiving letter from KTR for supporting manufacture of asu machines and innovations for handlooms
5 -EU Team visitng Palle Srujana 
7-10 -National workshop at IIT, Benares
8-9 -Participation in an Exhibition for School Children at LB Nagar, Hyderabad
11-Visit of KVK, Jammikunta Scientists to Palle Srujana
12 -Assessing the progress of social projects undertaken by IICT, Hyderabad
15-17-25th Chinna Shodha Yatra in Dist Visakhapatnam
19-Jury for social hackathon at KITS Amaravathi.
21 -Interaction with former Scientists of IICT
21-23 -Exhibition for School Children at Residential School, Madikonda, Warangal
22 -Dr APJ Abdul Kalam IGNITE award function at Amrapur, Gandhinagar
23-25 -Agri and Flower show @ Vijayawada
23-25 -Sattvik festival 2017 @ Ahmedabad
27-29 -Visit Araku and Vizag
November 2017 Events
01 November-Core Group meting
02 November - Interaction with team from Agastya
02 November-Visit of Team from CVR TV Channel
03 November-Visit of Innovator Amarnath from Anantapur
04 November-Presentation at a workshop at Hitex, Hyderabad organized by AYUSH
06 November-Interaction with Faculty and students of VISIT, Tadepalligudem
07 November-Visit to Challapali and Vijayawada
08 November-Interaction with a Team from Tata Cornell Institute - TARINA, New Delhi
09 November-Interaction with Script team
09 November-Visit of Sri D Ramaiah and Sri Ch Mallesham both PADMASHRI awardees, 2017 to Palle Srujana
10 November-Visit Innovator Saida Chary
11 November-Brainstorming of rural problems and their solutions with a young group
13 November-Route finalization for 25 CSY in Dist Visakhapatnam
14 November-Interaction with school children at Nizamabad
16 November-Visit Innovator in Nizamabad dist
18 November-Brainstorming at Osmania University
20 November-Lecture at T HUB on "Thinking Social"
21 November-Visit of European Union Team representative to Palle Srujana
22 November-Visit Innovator Ch Mallesham, Padmashri Awardee 2017
22 November-Interaction with Mr Phanindra sama, CIO, T-Works
25 November- Signing MoU with Sphoorthy College
26-28 November-Visit Araku and Vizag
28-30 November-Palle Srujana is one of the Places to be visited by Delegates of GES. 
28 November-Visit Innovator in Nalgonda Dist
29 November-Presentation at ASCI, Hyderabad

October 2017 Events

2 October-Mallesham, Padmashri Awardee launching "Zero Pollution" campaign at Pochampalli
10 October-Signing of MoU for a Film on Innovator
13 October-Presentation at India International Science Festival being held at IIT, Madras
14 October- Participation in Kisan Mela at Vijayawada
13-16 October- Four Innovators participating in India International Science Festival at IIT, Madras
22-23 October-Visit to Kurnool and villages nearby
24 October-Visit of 40 children from DPS, Shamirpet
26 October-Presentation to SERP staff
25-26 October-National Consultation on Adivasi Women at Visakhapatnam
27 October-Visit Innovator at Suryapet
28 October-Visit of 49 children from DPS, Shamirpet
30-31 October-Visit Vijayawada and Charlapalli

September 2017 Events

2 September-Interaction with Students of INIFD, Madhapur
4 September-Talking to Agri Scientists at NAARM, Hyderabad
5-6 September-Visit Pratyusha Girls Home, Araku
9- September-Visit to a tellapalli village, Krishna Dist
9-11 September-Innovators participating in India International Innovation Festival in Visakhapatnam
10-11 September-Participation by Grassroots Innovators in "Krishi Vikas Mela" at IIOR, Hyderabad
18-19 September-Visit Gadwal and Kurnool to meet innovators, Children and farmers
19 September-One day workshop at Sphoorthy Engineering College on Entrepreneurship at Grassroots
22-24 September-24th Chinna Shodha Yatra
August 2017 Events
2 August-Meeting with All India Radio Team
5 August-Interaction with Madam Almitra Patel at Bengaluru
8 August-Interaction with Students and Faculty at Nalla Malla Reddy College of Engineering, Hyderabad
9 August-Interaction with a Team from Gramonnati, Puduchhery led by Mr Ved Prakash Sharma
9 August-"Phone In" programme in AIR, Hyderabad FM stations for farmers of AP and TS from 10 -11 AM.
10 August-Two innovators visiting Palle Srujana from Karimnagar dist
12 August-Visit by a Team of Foreign Agri specialists from NIRD & PR, Hyderabad
14 August-Interaction with Faculty and Students of Shiv Shivani Institute of Management
17-18 August-Participation in "Agri Innovations" Workshop @ NAARM, Hyderabad
22 August-Visit Innovators in Karimnagar Dist
24 August-Visit Gadwal to interact with an Innovator
26 August-Visit Jingurthi to participate in the inauguration of Organic Agriculture Institute
27 August-24 Chinna Shodha Yatra route finalization
29 August-Addressing teachers from Govt Schools, Hyderabad on MANAK/INSPIRE
30 August- Invited to participate in T-Works meeting at GoTS/IT Dept along with Ch Mallesham
31 August-Interaction with faculty and students of Sphoorhy Engineering college
July 2017 Events
1 July-Grassroots Innovation exhibition at Ramayampet, Medal Dist
2 July-Presentation of Internees MLRIT
3 July-Core Group Meeting
5 July-Visit innovators in Karimnagar dist
6-20 July-Internship for OUEC students
7-8 -Grassroots Innovators participating in the Frugal Innovations Workshop at NIRD PR, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad
8 July-Visit of a Team from BTR project -SELCO Foundation
9 July-One day Workshop for Volunteers / Inernees at Palle Srujana
11-13 July-Distribution of Sada bahar plants from Kota, Rajasthan to farmers from Telangana and A.P.
12 July-Core Group Meeting
17 July-Visit of team from SELCO and BTR
20-21 July-RESE 17 - International Seminar at Pollachi, Tamilnadu
22 July-Interacting with School children "Innovation Session" Gachibowli
25 July-Interaction with Scientists at ASCI,  Hyderabad
26 July-Presentation on Inspire/MANAK to schol students and Teachers of Telangana on "Mana TV"
27 July-Interaction with students of MLRIT, Hyderabad
27 July-Telephone interaction with CSR Team, Relainace Industries, Mumbai
28 July-Interaction with story writer from Mumbai
29 July-Visit Woman innovative farmer at Anantapur
28-30 July-Visit Anantpur, Madanapalli and Kalahasti to meet innovators
30 July-Visit Innovator Gurumurthy  at Madanapalle
June 2017 Events
02-04 June  -  23rd Chinna Shodha Yatra
05 June  -  Discussion for an MoU with CIDRF- Puduchery
7 June -  Mallesham interaction at INVESCO
8 June -  Interaction with Trust team and Mentors of Bharat Yuva Shakti Trust
9 June  -  Interaction with Children at Khammam
9 June  -  Visit Padmasri Daripalli Ramaiah in his village
10 June  -  Visit of 50 Forest officers from Telangana State Forest Academy
11 June  -  Visit of Village mentors to Palle Srujana
12-24 June  - Internship for Engineering Internees from MLRIT and OUEC
22 June  - Internees capturing children ideas in Keshav Memorial High School
23 June  - Visit of Internees to Mallesham Innovator
24 June  - Internees visiting a Village in Mahabubnagar Dist
26 June  - Presentation by Internees
27 June  - Meeting with Director CIPS
28 June  - Core Group Meeting @ Palle Srujana
May 2017 Events
01 May  - Honeybee network meeting at Ahmedabad
03 May  - Demonstration of wind mill at NAARM
03 May  - Interaction with Chinna shodha yatries at Palle Srujana
04 May  - Route Finalization for 23 China Shodha yatra
05 May  - Visit Innovators in karimnagar dist
06 May  - Meeting with Subrahmanya raju garu from Agriinfoindia
09 May  - Visit KVK, Jammikunta
11-18 May  - 39th Shodha yatra in Odisha
19 May  - Presentation of two NIF Internees ex IIMs
19 May  - Core group meeting
23 May - Presentation by NIF Internees
23 May - Interaction with a group of mentors from Bharatiya Yuva Shakti Trust
23 May - Visit of J2iC team
20-23   - Science Express​ @ Kothavalasa 
24   - Innovators from Sattenapalli visiting Palle Srujana  
24-26   - Science Express​ @ Gudivada  
27-30 May  - Visit Science Express - Miryalaguda
28 May  - Interaction with 400 Teachers of Telangana at SCERT, Hyderabad on Children Innovation
29 May  - Meeting with NSDC at CIPS, ASCI
30 May  -  Interaction of Innovators and Volunteers with Prof Anil K Gupta
April 2017 Events
04 April - Meeting with Mr Subrahmanyam, Ekalvya Foundation
04 April - Innovator Tirupathi rao visiting Palle Srujana
07 April - Woman Innovator Sridevi visiting Palle Srujana
08 April - Half a day workshop at Palle Srujana
10 April - Innovation exhibition at Kolanupaka for farmers
10 April - Meeting with Commissioner, Handlooms, GoTS with Ch Mallesham for Asu machine subsidy
11 April - Meeting with Padmaja, J2IC and a film maker
12 April - Visit nnovator in Mahbubnagar dist
13 April - Meeting at IICT to discuss the progress of MoU
15 April -Deliberation with Commissioner, GHMC on lake cleaning
16 April -Grassroots innovator Narasimha meeting with Commissioner, GHMC
16 April  -Melu  Kalayiaka at IICT
17 April  - Core Group meeting at Palle Srujana
18 April  -Visit Innovator near Zaheerabad
22 April  -Felicitation to Ramesh- Seed Innovator by CGR, Hyderabad
25 April   - Interaction with Balabadi Team at Achampet
27 April   - Address OU Alumni on Development of villages
28 April   - Core group meeting at Palle Srujana
29 April  -Signing of MoU with MLRIT

March 2017 Events
01 March - Innovation display at HITAM, Hyderabad
01 March - Visit to an innovator near Zaheerabad
04 March - Award function at Rashtrapathi Bhavan
05 March -Sristi Samman award function at Rashtrapathi Bhavan
06 March -Participating in a National Round table conference on "Innovation in Public service" at Rashtrapthi Bhavan, New Delhi
7-9 March -Participation in Agri Biz Agri clinic at Peoples' Plaza organized by MANAGE, Hyderabad
7-10 March -Festival of Innovations at Rashtrapathi Bhavan
20 March -Interaction with with Mr Kannan - Mikrospin
20 March -Visit of Innovator Patan Saida to Palle Srujana
21 March -Visit of Innovator Adigoppula Ramudu to Palle Srujana
22 March -Meeting with Commissioner handlooms, GoT with Mallesham
22 March -Visit of Innovator Ch Mallesham to Palle Srujana
22 March - Interaction with Commissioner, Handlooms, GoT
23 March -Participation in a panel discussion at NIRD in the Rural Incubator Start up Conclave
23-24 March -Rural Innovations Start up Enclave at NIRDPR, Hyderabad
24 March -Brain storming -I with Volunteers on "Social Enterprise'
26 March -Brain storming- II with Volunteers on "Social Enterprise'
28 March -Core group meeting
30 March - Interaction with Scientists @ NAARM, Hyderabad
February 2017 Events
01 - Mallesham talk at Hitachi Consulting Campus @ Gachibowli 
02 -Visit of 20 Women scientists from ASCI, Hyderabad to Palle Srujana
03-5 - 7th Gyan Shodh
07-8 -Visit to Pratyusha Girls Home
09 -Visit to Visakhapatnam
12 -Demonstration of an innovation for grassroots at Palle Srujana
11 -Conducting Creativity workshop at RSC, Tirupati
17-19 -22nd Chinna Shodha Yatra in Dist Bhoopala Palli, Telangana
21 -Interaction with children at School in Aler
23 -Second Follow up meeting  of 7 Gyan Shodh
23 -Interaction with farmers at NIPHM
24 -Visit of 40 farmers from all over Telangana
24 - Visit an innovator near Zaheerabad, TS
25 -Interaction with Students and Faculty and innovation display at VISIT, Tadepalligudem
26 -Visit Innovator at Parvatipuram, AP
27 -Visit of ITI, Kolluru students and faculty to Palle Srujana.
28 -Palle Srujana Kutumabam Mini Meet and Dinner at Palle srujana office.
28 -Innovations display at MLRIT with innovators.
January 2017
9-Visit innovators in Warangal dist
10-Visit of IIT, Hyderabad Students and Faculty to Palle Srujana
11-12-Participation of two teachers and four school students from Telangana and AP in a National workshop on "Creativity" at Ahmedabad organized by SRISTI
16-Visit RDSO, Lucknow
17-Validation trials of Mini tiller
18-Visit Herbal healer in Nizamabad dist
18-Meeting with Scientists of IICT-CSIR for discussing the progress of MoU.
18-Interaction with IICT-CSIR at Palle Srujana 
21-Route planning for 22 Chinna Shodha Yatra
23-Visit of Prof Gupta to Kakinada
25-Interaction with students and faculty of NIT, Warnagal
26-Flag hoisting and interaction with students of HITAM, Hyderabad
28-Participation and interaction of a poor children school near Jawahar nagar, Hyderabad
28-Felicitation to the two grassroots Padmasri awardees by NAARM,  Hyderabad.
29- Interaction with school children in an event organized by a young group from former Teach India group 
26-29-Participation in Science city Festival at kolkatta
30-Farmers Mela at Kazipet