23 Chinna Shodha Yatra
'Nirmal - Mallapur - Khanapur, Nirmal District, Telangana'
From June 02 - 04, 2017
Date : June 02 - 04, 2017 Location : Nirmal - Mallapur - Khanapur, Nirmal District, Telangana
Meeting Point : Vasavi School, Nirmal
Start : The Yatra commences at 9 am on Friday, 02 June 2017 from Nirmal
Ends : At 5 pm in Khanapur on Sunday, 04 June 2017
Total Distance : Approximately 54 Kms.
Route Map :
To Reach the Meeting Point:
Nirmal can be reached only by road. It is located on Hyderabad - Adilabad - Nagpur highway, a prominent town and district HQ. TSRTC buses are available from Hyderabad and the travel time ranges from 4-6 hours depending on the category of service.
FIRST DAY : Nirmal, Akkapur, Mallapur
SECOND DAY: Mallapur
THIRD DAY : Khanapur
on June 4, 2017, Yatries will be able to reach Nirmal by 6pm. Return journery from thereafter may be planned after 7 pm.
For impressions of yatries who participated in earlier Cinna Shodha Yatras and to know the objectives and other details of the Yatra, please visit: www.pallesrujana.org/shodhyatra
Registration is open and online. Closing date : JUNE 01, 2017 (Noon)
A nominal amount of Rs.400/- per participant as registration fee is to be paid at the beginning of the yatra which will be used against the pre-yatra expenses of planning and reconnaissance by Volunteers of Palle Srujana.
Logistics and food expenses during the yatra will be equally borne by the participants. This might be between Rs.600-800 depending on the strength. This amount will be collected at the commencement of yatra and one of the Yatris on Voluntary basis will maintain the accounts and present the same just before the conclusion of the yatra.
Please visit: www.pallesrujana.org and register online. You can register by opening the Link:
A confirmation of your participation will be sent.
Book your to and fro journey and share your travel details with Palle Srujana team and other yatries.
An exclusive whatsapp group for 23rd CSY will be opened from 20 the May 2017 and all participants whose confirmation is sent will be included in this group.
For any enquiries, please contact or email to :
Brig. P. Ganesham, 9866001678 Email : president@pallesrujana.org
Raju M, 95028 55858, Email : raju.nif@gmail.com
Sandeep, 8790975313, Email : sandeept491@gmail.com
Please disseminate this flier among your network.
Team Palle srujana