Pochampalli in
Andhra Pradesh is famous for its double ikkat tie &Dye saris
with intricate designs and eye catching colour combinations.
These saris are made in cotton and silk and also zari is
used in some designs. The process of tie & dye in
Pochampalli tradition of weaving saris involves transferring
of designs from the graph sheet to the thread in a way which
enables the weavers to tie where colour is not require
before dyeing the silk thread. This is a laborious and
critical activity as at present the marking on thread is
done manually. Every weaver is not capable of marking the
designs on the thread especially if the designs are
complicated. More often than not, weavers tend to select
simple designs for ease of marking and hence do not get
price for their saris. For two saris marking is done
simultaneously and it takes almost two days in manual
Chintakindi Narendar, son of weaver family of Pochampally
tradition was observing the manual marking process from his
childhood. The pain and the resistance to new designs were
evident as the marking involved lot of patience and
concentration. Right from the childhood, he wanted to do
something in this regard to obviate the discomfort of
weavers. He wanted to make marking so easy that every weaver
would be happy to undertake marking even for complicated
Narendar, a school dropout and a grassroots innovator has
developed an “Automatic Marking device for Asu machine”
after a long struggle of two years. The machine is an
attachment to the Laxmi Asu machine innovated by Ch
Mallesham. A stylus with ink mounted on the device marks the
entire thread on the asu machine according to the programme
loaded on the chip. The chip is placed in a chip reader
which provides commands to the stylus operating mechanism.
Stylus stops at the specified location on the thread and ink
is then ejected on to the thread. This mechanism makes the
job of marking simple as the weaver only has to ensure that
the right design is selected from the choice of designs
provided to him on the chip. Rest is automatic and accurate
too. What is done in two days by a weaver is completed in
one and half hours by this device and that too with no
involvement of the weaver. This device is a real blessing to
the weavers.
Narendar’s innovation will have far reaching effect with
high impact on the Pochampalli sari industry. Adoption of
new designs however complicated they are would be easy. This
would result in weavers weaving saris with new designs
constantly and meeting the aspirations of the women. While
this device directly contributes to the growth of the
industry, it also provides higher incomes to the weaving
families due to adoption to new designs. While the economic
impact would be substantial due to Narendar’s device in the
short run, the higher rate of growth of pochampalli sari
tradition will be a certainty in the long run.
The comfort, high impact on economy, higher rate of growth
of sale of saris are the few benefits Narendar’s Innovative
device will bring to the weavers of Pochampalli tradition of
saris. This innovation will bring revolutionary changes in
the sari industry and its utility is likely to be extended
to man other sari weaving traditions.
Efforts of Narendar are laudable for creating a bright
future to the weavers of Pochampalli and his innovation
deserves recognition of highest level. Coming from humble
background and delivering a device which provides large
benefits to his community is an outstanding achievement
which needs recognition by the Society. This way, we ensure
more such grassroots innovators come forward with
appropriate and affordable ideas for the benefit of the
society at large.