Innovation: so many.. his innovative life
Rambabu is the
son of a tribal farmer. He studied in the Tanda upto second
standard and for third he walked 2 kms everyday. His elder
brother was working as an auto mechanic in the nearby town
Kothagudem. As he found no possibility and prospects in
continuing the studies, abandoned them and went to work with
his brother in the same shop for no remuneration. For
Rambabu, his brother was the role model. He wanted to become
an auto mechanic like his brother. He worked for two years
in the garage along with his brother with no remuneration
and went through rough times sometimes even not getting two
square meals. At the age of twelve, he set out to Hyderabad
and joined a Maruti Garage and worked there for two years
for pittance. Frustrated, he returned home with skills to
repair engines and started to repair the oil engines of the
Tanda and neighbouring villages. Since he was not a
qualified mechanic and had no brand, people paid him much
less than the market rates though he worked harder and
provided same quality as that of others and that too with
minimum resources. Finding that the hard labour is not
rewarded suitably, Rambabu one day closed the engine repair
shop and opened a TV repair shop in Bommanpalli. It was
amazing to know that he had no knowledge of the TV repair or
any familiarity with Electronics. He actually built the
plane while flying it. He learnt as he started repairing the
TV sets. Slowly the business picked up and the last three
years he stabilized in repair of all electronic devices.
Rambabu told us how he learnt the names of Resistors,
Motherboard, relays etc. He used to find a defective
component and take it to the electronic store in Khammam the
district Headquarters. The shopkeeper would name it as
resistor or capacitor. Rambabu thus understood the names of
components used in TVs. This is nothing short of the epic
character EKALAVYA of Mahabharata. In fact Ekalavya accepted
Dronacharya as notional guru but Rambabu did not have one
such guru. Amazing story.
During his stay in the village he found that oil engines
were replaced by electric motors gradually and villagers
were scared to start them on the plea that they would be
subjected to shock. Seeing the fear and apprehension of the
villagers, Rambabu developed a remote switching device using
the remote switch of car doors. Later he found that most of
the time only two out of three phases were supplied
resulting in burning of many motors. The gullible villagers
were not aware of these technicalities. Again, Rambabu came
to their rescue and developed a safety device, which was
fitted to the starting device of the motor. He also
developed a centralized switchboard for the entire house and
provided time setting for all the switches. It would operate
the switches at the preset time on its own and save the
efforts of an operator. Now he is developing a Cell phone
operated motor switching device from remote location such as
home or any other place.
We insisted to visit his home in Tanda. He guided us to the
village and to his hut which is 6 meters in diameter and
locates his kitchen, bedroom and living room, all in one.
Outside the hut, a Dish antenna is located which looks out
of place among the huts. Rambabu explained that he provides
almost 25 houses in the Tanda 4 channel cable TV @ cost of
Rs 25/- per month per connection. The system to monitor the
TV transmission through cable is placed on a wooden plank
inside the hut at head level. These devices were all open
and the PCBs are seen clearly. Rambabu with no formal
English and engineering education was managing an electronic
based system in an inhospitable environment was an
unbelievable fete.
The story of Rambabu is amazing. The grit to find solutions
to others’ problems, indomitable innovative spirit, ability
to handle the resource crunch with a smile and always find a
path to progress were some of the very significant traits of
Rambabu which are highly praiseworthy, considering his
family background, educational qualification, age and
Nominated for the Award by Palle Srujana
President: Brig (Retd.) P Ganesham, VSM